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Fear was not a new emotion to Max, but this was a whole other level. He'd been jumpy all day, and even the slightest thing would freak him out to the point where everyone worried about him. Even Nerf laid off, which was a rarity in itself.

"Listen Max, I've been polite and tried not to push you but... you've been super jumpy all day. Did something happen again? Did the creepy figure visit?" Neil had finally asked, gently placing a hand on Max's sleeve. Even with the sun beating down on them, Max didn't take off his hoodie. The ravenette waved him away. "I'm fine man, just a bad dream."

Nikki stopped eating for a second "Are you sure? Because you're never this panick-" "I'm fuckin FINE NIKKI!" He spat, eyes widening at his own anger.

"Max!" Ice ran down his back as he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Watch the language, they're just looking out for you!" David looked irritated, and a bit disappointed. "R-right sorry D-david!" He stuttered, trying to move away hastily. Feet moved uselessly against the dirt, as David's strong hold kept him rooted.

The counselor softened, forhead wrinking with concern. "It's alright Max, just watch it for the future. And take it easy, you look like you've seen a ghost!" David laughed softly, oblivious to how Max flinched at the noise. With that, he walked off to check on other campers.

"Alright man, what the fuck was that? You apologized to David! And you look terrified as hell. What happened?" Neil asked, sternly this time. Nikki nodded in agreement. "Yea, it was weird!" Max sighed and ran a hand down his face. "I... I saw something awful last night and I keep hoping it's a dream but David's black eye says otherwise."

"Yea what's up with that? He told us that he fell or something." Nikki added, dragging the boys to a log and sitting down. "So tell us Max, what's up?" The ten year old sighed heavily.

"I saw David in the woods, last night. I heard screaming and thought it was him so I ran in. Somehow I ended up at the far end of the lake, but I heard something and climbed into a tree. And guess fucking what? There was David! By the river!" In the pause he took to take a deep breath, Neil interrupted. "You heard a noise? And a scream?" Max nodded. "Footsteps. Anyway, David was at the river washing his arms. His clothes were wet and laying all folded up to the side. He had his pants on though, thankfully." He laughed mirthfully.

"So I as I keep watching, I see that he's covered in blood! The shit's coating his arms and all over his chest, back, and face! I think he was crying too? T-then I saw some dude come up behind David with this- this bloody axe! But David's not even fucking fazed! He just washes off the axe and hugs this freak! Guys I think-" Max choked up for a second, fighting back tears. "I think either David or that man killed someone."

David hummed a random tune as he walked around the camp, turning to see Gwen having trouble with space kid, as per usual. As he made his way over, David's phone buzzed. Hastily he pulled it out, hunching over to read the text.

'You doing okay? Any kids suspect?' David's eyes darted over the text before he typed a quick reply. 'Everything's fine, kids think I fell onto my face but nothing else happened. Thanks.'

Barely ten seconds later came the reply. 'Good. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you soon darling❤️'

David's chest swelled and he grinned, sending back an affirmative reply before pocketing his phone.

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