Sometimes It's Better to Avoid Your Counselor's Love Life

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David couldn't sleep.

He'd been sitting up for the past three hours pacing around his cabin, and it was much too cramped. It seemed like everything was falling apart at his fingertips. First Daniel finds out about his... pastime. And even though Daniel doesn't hate him, he notices how weary the blond has become. Plus Max was now suspicious of him and was actively trying to find out his secret!

David groaned and pulled at his hair. It was clear to him. Until Max and the other campers left, he couldn't kill anything. The risks were too high and Max might sneak out again, only this time he might find David a bit too early.

Shakily he sighed and placed his palms against the wall, letting his forehead rest on the cool wood. His fingers already itched again, but he forced it down.

Time to pull out the old coping mechanisms, he supposed. "Happy happy happy happy happy! I'm happy, everything is ok! Nobody needs to die. Happy happy happy..." he whispered to himself, almost startled at how shaky his voice sounded when it broke the silence of the cabin.

Repeating the phrase over and over, David eventually exhausted himself and stumbled towards the bed, asleep within seconds.

The day went by in a blur, and he wasn't exactly sure what had happened. All that mattered was that the day went by without a hitch, and he seemed the same as ever. David clocked back in to awareness near the end of the day, courtesy of a water balloon to the face from Max.

"Hah! Look at your fucking hair!" Max cracked up at how ridiculous David looked with his usually fluffy hair hanging heavily in his face. The counselor grit his teeth but pulled it together. "Max, you really shouldn't be throwing those around! We don't want any campers catching a cold because they're wet!"

The camper rolled his eyes. "Yea whatever! Relax David, it's not that big of a deal!" "Just go easy on it Max!" David chided, but let it be, instantly springing back into happy mode. The angry ten year old stared in disbelief. "Seriously? That's it? No lecture. Nothing? What the fuck?!"

A smile pulled at David's cheeks just a tad too wide. "Well Max, it was only one balloon and I already told you to stop. We have other things to take care of, so that's in the past!" David turned and excitedly annouced their next activity, feeling more himself now.

Max scowled and Neil looked at him worriedly as he and Nikki walked up to their friend. "What's wrong? David's not acting unusual." "There's no way he's this happy! Plus, the bruises on his neck are fading from what I can tell. Something's changed! I just don't know what." Nikki shrugged. "Maybe his date knows."

Max and Neil stared at her. "What? If we can get ahold of his fling, we can maybe get some info David won't tell us." Neil grinned. "Nikki that's a great idea! But how will we get David's phone off of him?"

Max smirked. "I think I know how..."

David counted heads one more time. He'd done this three times over and each time came up three short. Max, Nikki, and Neil were nowhere to be found. "What could they be up to?" The counselor wondered aloud, clearly worried.

"Oh hey David~!" His head snapped around. It was Max! Turning to fully face the boy, David grinned. "Well hello Max! I was wondering where you'd run off to! It's getting really late, you should head back to your cabin, Nikki and Neil too!" David yawned, feeling tired after worrying most of last night.

Max smirked nefariously. "In a second David, I have something to accomplish first!" In a swift movement, Max grabbed David's pants and yanked them down, leaving the poor man in nothing but his boxers.

"Hah! You have tree boxers?" The jab was loud, and campers turned to look. In the confusion, Nikki crouched behind David and snatched the phone from between his ankles, where it had been pushed out of his pocket.

As David angrily pulled his shorts back up, Nikki snuck off into Max's tent where Neil was waiting. Minutes later Max came running, red-faced and laughing. "Did you see his face? That was great! Anyway, show me the phone!"

The three crowded around and looked down at the screen. The only recent contact was "(boy)friend :)". Max gagged. "Gross. Text him!" Neil took the phone into his hands. "What should I say? The last sent text is from the other guy and it says "Let's hang out soon,".

Max rolled his eyes and snatched the phone. "Watch and learn children, watch and learn." Thumbs flew rapidly across the screen as Max exchanged messages with what he dubbed David's little fling.

"Yea! I'd love to hang out soon again, how's about tomorrow? I'll be heading into town anyway!"

"Sounds wonderful! We can meet at the café! Can't wait to see you Davey~!"

"Me neither! Love you lots! ❤️ "

The whole time, his face was scrunched up uncomfortably. Finally he put the phone down, grinning at his friends. "There. Tomorrow when David goes to pick up supplies, we're gonna meet him at the little café. Apparently "Davey" likes to meet him there."

Neil shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. I always underestimate your ability to be utterly evil." "We're like secret agents! I'm so excited!!" Nikki inerjected, hopping up excitedly. "Yea yea whatever, just get out and sleep you two. We have to sneak into David's car tomorrow, so be sharp!"

With that, the two left and Max headed into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

The next morning the trio managed to sneak away from camp activities. It was becoming easier and easier with everything they (mostly Max) had been doing. Safely tucked in the trunk of David's car once again, they waited until the man was in the hardware store before heading to the café.

There was only one man waiting outside of the small establishment. Max's eyes went wide, his jaw dropped, and he felt Nikki and Neil tense up beside him.

"Daniel is David's boyfriend?!"

(One of my friends reads this so um... hi. I finally wrote a new chapter and posted it while I know you're in school. Love you too. -Ssankirtana)

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