Bloodstains and Ice Cream

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Max stared up at David incredulously, watching as the man almost nervously scanned the empty area. "You can't tell the other kids Max, but I'm taking you into town with me. Daniel wanted us all to bond a little more!" David's smile was blindingly bright, it made Max almost guilty for lying to him. Almost. "Why should I even agree to that?" Challenged Max, in his petulant way. David let out a huff. "We're going out for ice cream." 

If Max had any shame, he'd admit he was convinced a little too easily, but it was for ice cream! Who could blame a 10 year old stuck in summer camp for desperately wanting ice cream? 10 minutes later, Max was sitting in the back of the car, watching the scenery pass by in a blur as they neared what barely qualified as a town. Daniel was already waiting in front of the small shop, an eerie grin on his face. Max swallowed nervously. Was ice cream really worth being with this monster? 

David parked quickly, hopping out of the car and barely waiting for Max before he rushed up to Daniel. The blonde smiled, kissing David's cheek. Max gagged. They'd only been properly dating for what- two weeks? But David was already ridiculously attached. It was kind of worrying, if he was honest. "Hello Davey, Max." Those blue eyes fixed on him, and hot shivers ran down Max's spine. He felt feverish, full of adrenaline and a panic he didn't understand. "H-hey." He stuttered, forgetting himself for a second. "Well- are we gonna fuckin' go inside?" David frowned until Daniel replied smoothly. "Of course Max, let's go!" The cultist turned, sauntering into the shop with David at his hips, though he glanced back and gave Max an unsettling smile. What was he planning?

The four of them seemed the only ones in the shop, much to Max's dismay. David got a pistachio ice cream, and Max a classic chocolate. Daniel got raspberry, and Max noticed how blood red the ice cream was. Though that was probably just his mind working in overdrive to analyze Daniel- right? Upon David's request they sat near the window. With the redhead distracted Daniel turned to Max. He swallowed. "So Max, how is your ice cream?" Purred the cultist. "Fine." Was the sharp reply. He did not want to have a conversation with this creep. "Well that's good, I'm glad you enjoy it, anyhow. I have a little surprise for you two after this. I'm sure you'll quite enjoy." Wow, that wasn't terrifying at all. Max almost snorted at how obviously ominous it was, but he was a little too on edge. "Oh yea?" Was all he said. "Indeed."

They all fell into a tense, but blissful silence. Max's mind buzzed with all the possibilities. What the fuck did Daniel mean by surprise? To his own horror, Max was genuinely curious. Logically he should be trying to get the fuck away, but he just ate his ice cream. It was like his body was on autopilot. Daniel waited patiently until they were both done, placing a hand on Max's back as he guided them both out. And Max let it all happen, for the sake of a morbid sense of curiosity. 

"What's this about a surprise, Daniel?" Asked David, curious. Daniel chuckled darkly. "Don't worry David, you'll see." He kissed the redhead, who instantly relaxed. "Well okay, I trust you!" "Horrible decision really." Max muttered bitterly. "What was that Max?" "N-nothing!" They all piled into Daniel's car, with the cultist promising to drive them back to get David's car after the "surprise".  Max had never hated a word more in his life. Not that he voiced this, he just stared blankly out of the window. 

He should have run the second the car stopped in front of an old, rotting shack. Yet Max still followed them, eyes wide. "Why are we here?" "You'll see!" Daniel chirped gleefully. Any protests Max thought (hoped) David might have were crushed when Daniel kissed him again, murmuring something into the counselor's ear that made his posture perk with excitement. Fuck. Daniel pushed Max in first, then David. He heard a key click in the lock, and they were ushered on into the main room. 

It was the only part of the house that wasn't it utter disrepair. The boards had been replaced, painted a crisp white. The walls were still brick, though meticulously scrubbed clean. White candles lit the room, as well as an overhead light that must have been powered by some sort of emergency generator. On the hooks hung all sorts of creepy things. Chains, sickles, knives, and a bloody axe that caused Max's heart to leap into his throat. The scariest part about the room, however, wasn't any of those things. No- it was the blood red symbol painted into the floor, underneath a chair. In the chair sat a man. He was tied up, blood dripping from his nose onto his brown pants. His skin was deathly pale, probably from fear, and his dull grey eyes were darting around in fear. Matted black hair clung to his sweaty face. 

David tilted his head, casting a concerned glance at Max. "Daniel... What's going on?" The cultist ran forwards excitedly, hands outstretched like a mockery of a game show host. His smile was sickening. "Your surprise! See- ever since I saw Max kill that mountain lion-" "He what-" "Not important!" Daniel waved David off, still smiling at Max.  "I knew David! He's like us! He just needs to find it!" Max was starting to feel sick, watching that poor man tremble in fear. "Explain." David said, hands on Max's shoulders. He wished it was comforting. "Max-" Daniel paused for dramatic effect here, grabbing the man's face- Max finally saw the gag. "Is going to kill this man right here! And he's going to enjoy it!" 

Max really felt like throwing up now. "W-what?" He stuttered the word, barely trusting himself to speak. "Wh- why the fuck do you think I'd agree to that- you fucking psycho!" "Relax relax, he's not an innocent. I went to the trouble of finding a criminal and everything! He's a murder and serial rapist, originally arrested for the abuse and sexual assault of his own little boy." David looked horrified, though not for the right reasons. "His own boy?" "Yes!" Daniel seemed feverish now. He grabbed Max's hand, shoving a knife into it. "Come on! Kill him." "What?! NO!" Max tried to pull away, but Daniel guided him towards the shaking man. "Do it. Max, I know you loved the feeling of blood on your hands, the feeling of flesh giving underneath that axe. You can do it. And he deserves it, don't you think?" David was standing on Max's left, silent. Daniel held Max's hand steady, standing solidly behind him. 

Those dull grey eyes looked up at Max, and he saw no remorse in them. How must his kid have felt? Getting beaten- screamed at- raped. All while those flinty eyes shone with- with what? Malice? Glee? All those people he hurt- assaulted. Max's vision began to go red. The sick bastard couldn't even feel a hint of sadness- not even when he was about to fucking die?! How could someone care so little about what he'd done?! Max snarled. The blade plunged right into the man's chest, between the third and fourth ribs, and he went limp. 

"That was beautiful." Daniel purred. 

The blood dripped steadily from Max's hands. 

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