Pack Your Bags

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Water torture is a fairly well known method of interrogation. Waterboarding and such. However there is another kind, where the victim is forced to lay down under a dripping tap or something of the sorts. It drips water inconsistenly onto the victim's head, until they slowly go insane. That was how David felt. His fingers angrily scratched the wood, and the constantly ticking clock in the room made his teeth grit in rage. Everything set him on edge these days. There was a tension in the air, and he was just waiting for it to snap.

The door creaked open, and a mess of black hair peeked inside. "Huh- oh. Max." David slumped, like a puppet with cut strings. "Can I help you?" Evidently his smile must have been exhausted, because Max cast him a strange look. Was he really that haggard? Well, the past week or more had been pretty damn stressful, that was for sure.

"Hey David." Said the boy, stepping inside and closing the door. "So- Daniel told you about his plan with us?" David perked up a little at this, and his tired smile seemed to wake up. "Yea, he did Max. Why do you ask?" "Well he asked me too and..." the boy paused, then rubbed the back of his head. "I'm thinking about saying yes. I mean, I don't really have much waiting for me at home you know? My parents don't give a shit. I mean, going can't be worse than staying right? Shit- I just wanted to ask you David. Do you really trust Daniel?"

The sincerity of it genuinely shocked David, but he smiled again, nodding. "I do, Max. I really trust him." A nod was his reply. "Okay. Okay. You fucking trust the guy. Ok." He took a few shaky breaths, then looked up at David. So much had changed since all this happened. So much about himself, and about David. Though he'd deny it, Max knew that he cared about David. And David cared about him. That was new. But he needed David, like any kid needs a father figure, no matter how ridiculous the circumstance.

"Then I'm saying yes. I'll come with you both. Wherever the fuck you're going or whatever." Arms folded, he looked away. "Oh Max..." a pair of arms wrapped around him, gentle and caring. "H-hey! No get off me David! No PDA!" Max protested, thought he secretly enjoyed the contact. "Okay Max. Now how about you go? You need to still be there for camp activities, after all! I'll tell you more about our plans later." "Ugh, fine. Later." And he was gone.

David found his smile was much more genuine now.

Max didn't miss how Nikki and Neil watched him. They didn't get too close, but their concern was evident. It made him angry. They left him! It was supposed to be them against everyone, but that wasn't the case anymore. He just shot them a resentful glare and ignored them. It didn't matter anyway, he'd be out of here soon. As the day creeped along, Max actually found himself looking forward to it. He couldn't wait to leave this shit hole camp. Never see his parents again, never see any of these people again. It was a relief.

The elation was enough to carry Daniel all day. It had worked! Somehow, miraculously, Max had agreed. And with him, David came too! This was so much better than he could have ever anticipated! Things all clicked into place. Now all that was left was to clean up a few loose ends, and they could disappear. The old house had been scrubbed clean. All the blood was off the floor, and his tools were packed up. Daniel stood in front of it, at the end of his gasoline trail with a lit match between his fingers. "Bye bye."
The house went up in flames.

Hey, burn your bridges, right?

Maxwell found the note under his pillow. "Have your bags packed tonight, I'll be picking you up." It was signed by a little tree. Definitely David. Max snorted, but took the note and carefully folded it into his pocket. Should he say goodbye somehow? He cast a glance at the mess hall, then shook his head. No, they didn't deserve his goodbyes. Not anymore.

The evening rolled around like a lazy cat, stretching its body in the sun as it set. Max was sitting in his tent, bag clutched to his chest. Mr. Honeynuts was stuffed inside, and he was bundled in his hoodie again. The bloodstains didn't bother him that much anymore. A flickering flashlight alerted him, and he crawled out. "Hey Max." David said, smiling. "Hey." Came the grumpy response, but Max willingly came out.

The odd pair headed down to the main road, where Daniel stood. His headlights were on, and he leaned lazily against the car, smiling. "Hello you two! Are you ready to go?" His words directed at both of them, but his pale eyes looked at Max, asking one more time. "Yea. We're ready." Replied the boy, sounding more sure of himself than he knew he was capable of. This was really happening. Backing out wasn't an option anymore.

They piled into the car, and off they drove. Trees passed in a dark, eerie blur. Shapes moving like monsters in the dark. Maxwell wondered what it would be like when the morning came and they were all gone. Would the police search for them? Most likely, though not well. This town had a laughable police force. Would his parents care? Would Nikki? Neil? Most likely not, he decided. Though they'd definitely panic. The thought made him smile in a mean sort of way. Served them right.

Daniel hummed to himself as they drove, an old children's song. David had fallen asleep, and Maxwell was peacfully staring out the window. There was no tension in the car. Pale fingers curled even tighter around the steering where. Daniel felt a grin curl onto his face.

He won.

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