Bloody Roses

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The beeping of an alarm woke David from his sleep. Blinking blearily, he sat up and looked a round. Panic flitted through his chest for a moment before he realized where he was. Right, Daniel's place. He'd stayed the night.

David swung his legs around and over the side of the bed. The blond next to him was still fast asleep, how precious. Absently David scratched his head and looked around for his scattered clothes. Yikes, last night sure had been...something.

Just as David was fastening his belt, he heard rustling from the bed and a low groan. "Mmm... David? Where are you going so soon?" There was a low chuckle as the redhead spun on his heels. "O-oh! Daniel! I didn't want to wake you and-" "Relax, relax." Slipping on a pair of sweatpants as he spoke, Daniel got out of bed. "I'm just teasing."

Pale arms wrapped themselves lazily around David's neck, and he nodded weakly. "O-oh." For a moment there was silence. Then Daniel kissed David slowly, smiling at him. "You should get back to camp huh?" A little flustered, David nodded. Who even looks good with bedhead?! Daniel, apparently.

The blond seemed rather reluctant to let David go, but promises of a movie night and cuddles on the weekend seemed to do the trick. With a last kiss to Daniel's cheek, David was off and back to camp. Hopefully no one would see the hickeys. Oh dear...

The drive seemed to take almost no time at all. And far too soon, David was back at camp. He climbed out of the car and immediately was confronted by Gwen. "David! There you are! Where the fuck have you been?! You're late as hell!"

The redhead laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "S-sorry Gwen. I stayed the night in town?" "You- oh my god. OH MY GOD DAVID-" Gwen ran a hand down her face, groaning. "You're going to be the death of me, David, you really are. Just... go to the mess hall."

More than happy to get away from Gwen's harsh stare, David shuffled to the hall. Loud chatter filled his ears as the doors were pushed open. As usual, nobody paid it any mind when he walked in. Thankfully. Hastily he headed to the Quartermaster and got something to eat. This was so strange, David had never been late before!

Max glanced up, seeing David hastily sit in his seat. That wasn't normal. "Yo, since when is David late?" The boy remarked. Neil looked up as well, letting his fork fall to the table with a clatter. "Huh, that's queer." "For fucks sake, don't say that Neil." Max sighed, standing up. "I'm gonna ask him."

As Max moved closer, he noticed how twitchy David was. Fingers tapped the table and his eyes seemed to dart around wildly with no clear path. The dude was a mess! And... what the fuck?! Just above David's collar peeked a bruise. Max thought those had faded! What was going on?

"David?" "Ah!" The redhead shot out of his seat, all hair standing on end. When he saw it was Max, his body visibly relax. "O-oh. Sorry, you startled me Max!" He laughed it off, brushing his jacket even thought there was nothing on it. "How can I help you?"

Well, that was weird. Not to mention kinda surprising. Yikes. "After breakfast, can I talk to you? Alone? It's important...please." For added effect, Max made his best "puppy dog" face. Evidently it worked, as David instantly melted. "Of course Max! Whatever you need!" "Thanks David..." with that, Max walked away. Hah, it was way too easy!

In no time breakfast was over. Now that the time had come, Max was feeling more nervous about talking to David. What if he got mad? It wasn't a pleasant thought, not at all. Pushing those worries aside, Max waited in the hall for everyone to leave. As expected, David sat down in front of him.

"So Max, what did you need to talk about?" Aw, he was worried. Shaking his head slightly, Max sighed. "It's... it's about Daniel. And you." It was like a switch had been flipped inside David. In an instant he was sitting rigidly and narrowing his eyes. "What about me and Daniel?" "Well..." Max paused, gathering his thoughts. "I'm worried."

Worried? David was confused now. Since when did Max worry? "You're always spending time with Daniel, a fucking cultist! And you've been acting super weird! Since when do you fucking twitch? Or yell at us? Not to mention the fucking bruises are back! What the hell is wrong?"

"B-bruises?" David reached up and held his neck. Oh fuck. "A-anyway! I'm not acting weird, am I?" "Yes you are!" The redhead sighed heavily. "I can't really tell you Max. I'm sorry. But I promise I'm working on it. Everything will be fine! And as for Daniel... well, that's none of your business. I care alot about you Max, but my romance life is my own."

The ravenette was about to protest, but David held up a hand. "No, Max. I'm not saying anything. There's nothing to worry about! We're happy! I..." His pupils dilated a bit, and he smiled. "I love Daniel." Max flinched. Those words did not bring back pleasant memories.

Then he noticed something. Something weird. David's pupils were... more dilated than they should be. It was creepy, like he was fake or a puppet. That wasn't right, that couldn't be right. "O-oh... okay. Whatever then, your funeral I guess." Hands shoved into his pockets, Max left the mess hall.

Now he was sure of two things. One, David was definitely hiding something from him. And two, Daniel was doing something to David. Though he wasn't sure yet what. That thought made Max very, very uneasy. He couldn't get David's eyes out of his head. They weren't hollow like the brainwashed campers had been. In fact it was the opposite. They'd been clearer, sharper. Like he could see every detail of Max and was picking him apart. Piece by piece.

Like he was tearing Max to shreds.

( i'm working on a comic and I have school plus i have no motivation stfu- cardboardghost)

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