Keep Quiet

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Ever since the talk with David, Max had been on edge. Every sharp movement or sudden action made him jump out of his skin. This was only made worse when David expressed concern. That redhead was the last person Max ever wanted to see. Answers, he needed answers. But where to get them?

It came to him when he was pushing slop into his mouth one morning, staring at an icy blue sky. Of course. Daniel. That was the issue! If David and Daniel split, things would go back to normal! They'd make sense again! But how? No matter what he tried, David always chose to see the best in people. Naive moron.

Max needed definitive proof that Daniel was dangerous. That he would put the kids in danger. Because David would do anything for this camp, and Max was gonna use that to his advantage. Whatever it took, he would do it. But first, dirt on Daniel.

Grumbling to himself, the boy marched out of the mess hall and thought hard. There was no way to get that old newspaper, not in this tiny town. They had long been shipped off to a landfill somewhere or... something. He didn't really know. So what?

David was worried. Really worried. Max had been far quieter than usual, and he always seemed deep in thought. Approaching him brought nothing but an annoyed glare and a biting remark. No opening up, that was for sure. Sometimes David could swear the boy was... afraid? God he hoped not. Why would Max ever be scared of him? That's ridiculous!

Alright, that was fucking it.  This was nuts!

Gwen held her head and groaned, slamming her head against the desk she currently had the misfortune of occupying. Something was devastatingly wrong here, she knew. However David refused to talk, and nobody else seemed to know anything.

Well, Max did. But Gwen did not want to ask that child anything. She knew how minipulative that boy could be and that was not worth the risk. What other option did she have though? So with a sigh, Gwen got up and headed out to the group of campers.

The crunching of leaves underfoot announced her arrival, but she was gonna make this quick. "I'm taking Max for a second, he'll be back in no time." Informed the counselor. David smiled brightly. "Of course! Go right ahead!"

"Hey what the fuck-!" Hastily the boy was dragged away by Gwen. She didn't need a scene right now. "What gives?! What the fuck do you want?" Spat Max, only to gain an eyeroll from Gwen. "I don't want to do this either, but I'm worried. Any idea what's been up with David?"

As if a switch had been flipped, Max's expression completely morphed. He looked afraid and lost. Like the child he really was. "I... it's about Daniel. He's doing something to David. I don't know what and it's fucking awful. What if he's trying to kill us all, huh?!"

"Daniel-?" Gwen looked bewildered. Where did she know that name...? "Blond guy? Looks like David? He tried to kill us all while you were gone!" Ah, now it clicked. That guy had always creeped her out. "David's dating him?!" "Yep, and he won't listen to reason whatsoever."

That explained alot, actually. However that could never end well, Gwen knew. What should she do? Confronting David might be best-! "Don't. I know that face. He won't talk, he's set. He's too in love to focus on anything else."

Ok, so that was really really bad. Gwen felt sick to her stomach. A manic, murdering cultist had sweet-talked his way into the heart of her best friend. Sure he was annoying, but she didn't want him in that kind of danger!

"If we're done, I'm gonna go back now. Even camp activities are better than talking about this." Turning on his heel, the ravenette walked off. He didn't admit that he was just too scared to talk anymore.

Unfortunately this left Gwen in the dust.
Like a scattered puzzle, she needed to pick up the pieces and put them together. So she made a decision.

Gwen was gonna split those two up, whatever it took.

David wasn't going out that night, so Gwen was free to take the car. Time to ask some questions to the nosy townsfolk. The rickety car creaked and protested as she started it up, as usual. But she got driving without much incident thankfully.

Deep bass shook the car as she parked in front of Muffin Topz. God, she fucking hated that place so very much. But if she wanted answers then here was the place to look. Before Gwen could step inside, she heard the trunk creak. What?

Slowly she popped it open, only to find... "Max! What the fuck?!" "Shut up!" The boy sat up hastily, scrambling out of the trunk as if afraid Gwen would slam it on him. "What are you doing here?! You need to be back at camp!" Max rolled his eyes and it almost felt like he was mocking her for earlier. Great.

"Well, Gwen, I'm here for the same reason you are. Answers. I don't trust Daniel's intentions, and I wanna find out as much as you do." Gwen opened her mouth to speak, but Max cut her off with a hand. "I can be useful. People trust kids more. Plus, you're not gonna drive me all the way back to camp, are you?" Damn, he had a point. So Gwen just sighed deeply and motioned for him to follow.

Now armed with an adult guide, the boy made his way inside. Most people proved to be useless, with little to no information that wasn't wild speculation. But finally, after two hours, an old woman gave them something useful.

"Oh yes that Daniel! Lovely man, very polite. He bought up the old cottage just out of town. Nobody's touched that place for years. But he planned to renovate it. Wild endeavor if you ask me." A cottage? Out of town? The two shared a look. That couldn't be good. Swallowing hard, Gwen forced a smile. "Thanks." "Of course dear! Say, why did you want to kno-?" But they were already gone.

The cottage wasn't hard to find. After all, there wasn't much outside of town besides the camp. Max made a move to get out, but Gwen stopped him. "Oh no you don't! Not like that!" "What? Why not?!" "Because it could be dangerous. And as much as you drive me nuts, I'm not going to deal with the paperwork if you die."

Max stuck out his tongue. "Don't be a pussy! Nothing's gonna be in there. If it's culty stuff then we'll have proof! We need this." Then he shoved open the door and was out before Gwen could protest.

"Max! Ma- oh for the love of god." The counselor climbed out and followed suit. This kid was gonna be the death of her, she was sure. The two approached the worn old door, Max slowly pushing it open.

The house wasn't empty.

Something red stained the floorboards, and bloody tools of all kinds adorned a metal table that looked almost surgical. If it weren't for the strange symbols carved into it, anyway. On a chair was a body, a man. He seemed to still be breathing.

Max wanted to vomit.

He and Gwen rushed over to the man, equal parts panicked and concerned. "Holy shit! We- we need to get out of here!" Gwen looked at Max's scared face, but shook her head. "We can't leave him here, he'll die!" "Who cares? Call the cops! Let's just go-"

"My my, if I knew I'd be having guests I'd have cleaned up a bit! Everything's such a mess!" The hairs on the back of Max's neck stood straight on end. He knew that voice all too well.

Slowly he turned to see Daniel, eyes wide and tiny body trembling. "You! You did this didn't you? I knew you were a sick freak!" Gwen spat. Though her confidence failed her, letting her voice waver far too much. "Haha! Sick freak? Gwen, that's quite rude."

"S-shut up you fucking cultist! You're finished! When David finds out about this-" "He won't do anything." Daniel gave Max a pitying smile, clicking his tongue. "We'll call the cops then!" Max grasped at straws. He needed something, some leverage. But Daniel had long since won. "We? Oh dear Max! You're assuming Gwen will help you!"

Through the blond's laughter, Gwen and Max looked troubled and confused. What the hell did that mean? The cultist was happy to explain. "Everyone's going to think you're out of your mind, Maxie. Just you wait."

Daniel pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger.

Faster than Max could blink, a tiny dart embedded itself in Gwen's neck and she collapsed. "You have a tranquilizer?!" "Of course Max! It's less messy than choking or drugging, don't you agree?" "No! You fucking monst-!" The blond grabbed his face and towered over him, a cruel grin on his face. "Hush Max, just close your eyes. You need a good, long rest."

The last thing he remembered was a sweet taste in his mouth, then it all went white.

(Y'all hate me? Cool. -Cardboardghost)

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