No Fingerprints

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During the rest of that day, David and Gwen kept an especially close eye on all campers. Apparently they needed to because space kid didn't wander out of camp once. No, he wandered out three times. Causing panic each time.

By the time that the campers had to sleep, Gwen looked ready to fall over and David imagined he probably looked the same. Nevertheless he couldn't sleep yet. After telling Gwen to get some rest he went into his own cabin, clipping the steel cord to his belt and putting the axe casually on one shoulder.

When everything was in place, David headed to the edge of camp where he found Daniel already waiting. With a grateful smile he lead his counterpart into the camp. "I just need you to patrol the parameters of camp, and I'll do the same. If anything happens just holler and I'll head over. And... be careful ok?"

To David the advice was redudant. He was gonna find that creep before he even got close to Daniel, but it would seem suspicious if he didn't warn him at all. Once the other was on his way, he drew in a deep breath and walked into the woods.

To the rocks it was.

Unlike Max, it took him very little time to find the place, even in the dark. The limited visibility was a minor set back, he didn't want his attacker to be able to see well either.

Innocently the moon shone upon the rocks, a weak light source from a clear sky. In any other context it would be a lovely night, but that was the least of David's worries.

Sure enough, there was a figure sitting against one of the rocks, lounging around as if he owned the place. David took a cautious step forwards, flinching as leaves and a beetle crunched beneath his foot.

The figure's head snapped up and their eyes met. "Ooh now who's this? Is it the sheepdog~?" Gritting his teeth, David stepped towards the figure. "You tried to kill one of my campers." He snarled, starting to tremble with anger already.

"But I didn't did I? Besides, what can a mangy dog like you do?" The stranger stood up, cracking his neck in a way that reminded him too much of Daniel. As the figure stepped closer, David saw that "he" was not a man at all.

It was a girl. Who looked an awful lot like Gwen. But she had blue eyes that seemed to glow and nearly white hair. "Wait, Jen?" He had barely met her, but he remembered her creepy magazines and uncomfortable smile.

"The one and only, how are you Daniel?" She thought he was Daniel? Well, it was nearly impossible to see his hair and eye color from the darkness of where he was standing. Maybe he could use that to his advantage.

"I'm fine, thank you Jen. I thought you were the other one for a second." He lied, hoping that would also justify why he'd sounded so angry about his campers earlier. Thankfully Jen bought it.

"We do look quite alike, don't we?" Her neck snapped and she giggled, looking straight ahead as if nothing had happened. "Yes you do. But my my, what are you doing here~?" Daniel's tone was nearly impossible to mimic, but it got the job done.

"I'm here to avenge you of course. That filthy red counselor distracted you, made you sick. You could have died. I feel it's only fair to kill the campers and pay him in kind, don't you agree?"

David felt his blood run cold, forcing himself to stand still as Jen stepped closer and closer. "What an ambitious plan, what makes you think it'll work?" Jen threw back her head and laughed. "Easy! I just have to snag the black sheep! That fool would break his own neck to save the little brat. I just have to wait, unless you can help me get him?"

There! That was his chance. "In fact I can, everyone's asleep now, and David trusts me, I could sneak you in and snag the child. I know where he is." Speaking about Max like that made David feel sick, but Jen eagerly stepped towards him.

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