Chapter 1

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   Lance's attention was everywhere ,except his teacher, his eyes scanning the room for anything interesting. It was the end of the day and he was in his last class Art. The way his teacher spoke in a monotone voice seemed to make time go even slower. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand and gazed outside. The snow was lightly drizzling and there were a couple of kids having a snowball fight across the street.

           "ance...Lance..Lance!" He was snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of his teacher " Since you seem to be so interested in the topic would you mind explaining the rest."  Lance nervously looked around the room until his eyes  landed on the whiteboard:  Long Exposure Photography  was written on the board. He then quickly explained the technique, luckily he was a huge art nerd. 

     " Good, now don't let me catch you distracted again." His teacher walked off towards the front of the class ' hope you don't catch me next time ' he muttered to himself apparently loud enough for his friends Pidge and Hunk to hear  and they giggled earning themselves a glare from the teacher. " Listen up class cause this project is going to be worth half of your grade for this semester. You'll all be working in pairs to create a photography portfolio and you'll have all of winter break which is three weeks to work on it before presenting" Lance immediately looked over to his friend Hunk " But I will be assigning the pairs." There was a collective groan through out the classroom and Lance slumped into his seat.

     Four minutes of calling names and finally Lance's name was called " Lance McClain and Keith Kogane." Lance winced at the mention of who his partner was going to be " Go to your partners and start to discuss the project." Lance tuned around and faced Keith and just as he was about to say something the bell rang. He collected his stuff and looked back at Keith's seat but he was already gone "Great" he mumbled as he started to walk out the classroom.

        " Man your so lucky you got paired with Pidge and I got saddled with Keith! I don't even  know how to talk to the guy correctly!" Lance groaned as he walked out of the building with his two friends " Hey man it's not all that bad and besides you get to spend more time with your crush " Pidge smirked at Lance " I do not have a crush on Keith. I just happen to like his eyes..and his voice..Oh don't get me started on that voice- wait that's not what I- I didn't-!" Lance started to turn red " Oh no its worse than I imagined your in love with him" Hunk crossed his arms and shook his head. 

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