chapter 11

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" Hey Lance lets get something tattooed or pierced."

Lance, not expecting that, choked on his boba turning into a coughing mess. Pidge, unamused by his reaction, simply looked at him. A couple of seconds soon passed and Lance calmed down enough to speak,

"E-excuse me?"

"You heard me." Pidge held a smug look as she leaned back crossing her arms.

" You're crazy, I am not doing that. You know I have a very low pain tolerance, remember that time I let you put a huge ass 'Hello Kitty' tattoo on my arm? Yeah well a bitch was cryin in the shower trying to get that shit off." he shivered at the memory.

Pidge rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics, thinking of a way to persuade him into it. Her eyes soon lit up when she thought of something perfect. " Alright then, I guess we're not getting tattoos," she sighed and nonchalantly played with her straw "its a shame though, you know? Keith would have loved to see you with a tattoo, he kinda has a thing for them." The second she spoke those words she knew she had won him over.


To say that Lance was nervous would be a drastic understatement. He ,my dear friends, is scared shitless while Pidge is completely ecstatic. They're both currently in a tattoo shop at the mall looking at the designs available. Surprisingly the shop itself isn't intimating, its quite the opposite really. There was chill K-rnb playing in the background, the place gave you a cozy sort of vibe with its light colors and comfy looking furniture. There were a couple of cacti in various pots around the shop, along with other plants like succulents and a couple of calatheas here and there.

There were two employees in the shop, both sporting some very nice tattoos. One of them, 'Jungkook' according to his name tag, has a sleeve with beautifully drawn out plants. The other , Taehyung, had smaller intricate tattoos, some on his neck and others on his arms. These two were already good looking as it was but the tattoos, they just contributed more to their beauty. Also the fact that they were adorned with piercings , Jungkook with only ear piercings and Taehyung with both ear piercings and a septum, just gave them that typical tattoo artist look but with a comforting sort vibe.

Apparently Lance looked more scared than expected because Taehyung gave him a reassuring smile and told him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Yeah man if your worried just remember that the ink machine's sharp needles will only be painfully digging into your skin for a couple of- OW WHAT THE FUCK TAE?!" Jungkook rubbed where he had been hit in the back of the head.

"Babe shut the hell up you're scaring him, see?" Taehyung said sternly before gesturing to Lance who had gone pale, Pidge was trying to stifle her laugh when she noticed Lance's state.

" Anyway uh.."

"Oh, I'm Pidge and the wuss puss next to me is Lance"

Jungkook snickered at the nickname but was quickly shut up by his boyfriend's glare, " Right, so Pidge, Lance what can we do for you today?" Taehyung smiled warmly as an attempt to ease Lance a bit , it worked a little seeing as his body slightly relaxed

"We're both gonna get tattoos and maybe a piercing or two." Pidge answered for the both of them.

" Sounds great! Now if you don't mind you two please join us over here, "he gestured at what seemed to be the waiting area," and we'll discuss what type of tattoos you may be interested in. "

After about 45 minutes of disusing tattoo designs ,and the occasional not-so-subtle flirting between Taehyung and Jungkook, Lance and Pidge were finally seated at the tattoo stations. Lance being assigned to Taehyung because Taehyung didn't want Jungkook freaking Lance out like he knew he would. And Pidge was appointed to Jungkook for obvious reasons. ( They both wanted to tease the living hell out of Lance so they thought 'why not team up?')

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