Chapter 10

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It's been a week since Lance found out he had Hanahaki and yet he'd only been getting worse by the day. Pidge ,being the only one who knew about his condition, has been spending more and more time with him trying her best to comfort the poor boy.

As their collage break comes to its second week Lance fears he may not last much longer, he had gone to the doctor's office ,accompanied by Pidge, to learn more about his current state. Sadly with a heavy heart the doctor had told him that the disease had spread further into his lungs and showed him the X-rays.

Now a days Lance spends his time at home, he doesn't eat often and his once bright smile has become dull and no longer reaches his eyes. His friends have noticed his behavior and asked him if he was alright but as usual he'd smile and blame it on his "cold" before quickly changing the subject.


" Lance, you've got to get out of this house, locking yourself away isn't going to help." Pidge said. She'd been trying to get him to go out for the past three days with no luck. He glanced at her for a moment before returning his attention back to his phone. "That's it, I've had enough of your shit, c'mon bitch we're going shopping." She stood up from her spot on the couch and made her way into the kitchen to grab her wallet.

When she walked back into the living room she let out an annoyed groan. Instead of getting up Lance had only further emerged himself in his blanket burrito, leaving only his face and hands uncovered. Pidge slowly walked over to him and snatched his phone out of his grasp.

"Hey what the hell! Give it back!"

"No, we're going out and we're gonna ha-..." Pidge blinked up at Lance "...dude are you seriously stocking Keith's Instagram?"

"W-what, no, yes,....maybe" Lance looked around the room twisting the bottom of his shirt between his hands not meeting her gaze.

She sighed and put the phone into her bag, "Whatever dude I don't even want to hear it, let's just go before the mall closes." she began to walk towards the door but stopped halfw, " Oh and you're not getting your phone back until we come back so hurry your little ass up." Lance groaned but still grabbed his wallet and keys before following her out the door.


They walked into the semi crowed mall and headed straight for their favorite bubble tea shop, 'Bangtan Cafe'. After they got their drinks they sat at a table by the window. " Wasn't that cashier cute? I'm pretty his name was Hoseok or something along those lines." Pidge said taking a sip of her tea, Lance simply shrugged and looked out the window while drinking his beverage.

They sat there in a comfortable silence , drinking their drinks and observing the scenery of the tea shop. It was prettily decorated, there were little white intricate paintings on the pastel blue walls. The walls were also decorated with shelves that held books or little trinkets, the tables had been adorned with small potted plants, some had succulents that sat in a glass bowl filled with soil and little pebbles. Others ( like the one they were at ) had small potted cacti that were also nicely arranged. The ceiling was white and had decorative lights strung about, giving the shop a slightly dim but still comfortable tint. Over all the shop was very aesthetically pleasing.

" Hey Lance lets get something tattooed or pierced."

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ik this update is kinda short and late and it sucks ( "kinda short" bitch this thing's tiny as hell )

so im sorry about that

i would have updated earlier but recently i found out that my dog had arthritis and i haven't been in the mood to update/edit

also im sorry im really bad at explaining stuff but i hope you get the idea of what the cafe looked like though


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