Chapter 6

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       Lance felt a sharp pain towards the back of his head. He rolled over to his side and coughed harshly. His vision started to darken, slowly everything around him became black, the last thing he saw was a  flower.

        He woke up the next morning with a massive head ache. Lance opened his eyes  to see a vibrant blue flower lying in a pool of blood next to him. He sat up slowly trying not to worsen the pain. Lance reached towards the flower to examine it but hesitated before touching it.  

     He picked it up carefully and held it with shaky hands " This...this is really bad." He whispered to himself as his eyes began to water. Lance slowly stood up and wiped his tears away. " I don't have much time left." 

      About an hour later while Lance was reading through more articles about his disease there was a knock on the door. He shut his laptop and went over to the door. He opened it so see his friends Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Keith, and Shiro at the door each with a pillow tucked into their arm. 

      " Uh what's goin on here guys?" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow. Pidge held up a bag filled with junk food and beverages, " Its your turn to host movie night dum dum." She said waving the bag in front of him.

         Lance smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck " Oh right I completely forgot about that, sorry i've had a lot on my mind recently." He chuckled lightly. " It's no big deal Lance, but if your busy right now we can just have movie night at my place and we'll just have it here next week." Shiro said with a smile, his arm draped around Keith's shoulder. 

        " No no no I'm not busy or anything, why don't you guys just come on in and make yourselves comfortable while I get some more blankets and pillows from upstairs."  Lance said trying his best to ignore how dry his throat was starting to feel. 

      Lance was upstairs getting the pillows and blankets when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat. He dropped everything and covered his mouth and quietly ran to the bathroom.

~   ~   ~    

      Pidge was finished setting up her spot on the floor when she noticed how long Lance was taking so she slipped out of the living room with out being noticed and walked up the stairs. As she reached the top she saw the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor and looked around for Lance. 

    She walked into his bedroom and saw light coming from the half opened door of the bathroom. Pidge could here Lance coughing hard. " Lance, are you alright in there?" She said as she got closer to the door until she opened it all the way.          

  " Oh my God......."

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