Chapter 2

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        Lance ignored his friends and looked towards the parking lot and saw Keith putting his stuff in the trunk of his car. "Hey I gotta go I'll talk to you guys later." He walked off towards the parking lot to meet up with his partner " How's it mullet " he smirked and leaned against the car. 

            Keith rolled his eyes and shut the trunk " What do you want Lance?" He crossed his arms and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. " Well we're partners so I just wanted to know who's house we were gonna be working at." Lance said, he was beginning to notice the snow flakes that were falling on to Keith's hair and thought about how beautiful they made him look ' Oh god this project is gonna be the death of me ' he thought to himself.

         Keith thought for a moment and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his cell phone ringing. " Hold on " he said before answering the phone " Hey babe.." As the conversation went on Lance soon felt a pang of jealously hit him hard. ' He already has a boyfriend why can't you understand that stupid heart' he thought.

        Keith was finishing up his conversation with his significant other " ok I'll see you you too." Those last  words stung Lance and he began to feel his throat hurt. " Sorry about that" Keith said as he put his phone into his pocket " But as I was about to say earlier we could work at my house if you want." Lance cleared his throat before speaking." Yeah sure that sounds good, does 4:30 tomorrow work for you?" He asked. " Sure, while your here do you need a ride home it's starting to snow a little harder and I don't think you wanna walk home in this weather."

        Lance smiled and put his hand over his heart " Keith! I'm so touched you care so much about me" he dramatically pressed himself against the car. Keith glared at him for a moment then started to get into the driver seat " Never mind you can walk." He was about to shut the door when Lance pulled it open " Kidding! I was only messing around with you man no need to be so up tight." Lance smiled nervously not wanting to loose his ride home.

       Keith studied him for a moment " Just hurry up and get in I gotta go somewhere in a bit."  He said before closing the door and starting the car. Lance walked around the car and crawled into the passenger seat and buckled up -safety first kiddos!- As they started making their way out of the parking lot Lance started to mess around with the radio flipping through every pre set channel at least four times.

        "Would you cut that out and pick something already!" Keith yelled at him clearly irritated. "Fine"  Lance settled on a channel that was playing the song Try a little tenderness. Lance rested his chin on the Palm of his hand and looked out the window " So how have you and Shiro been doing."  He asks. Keith glances over to Lance "He and I are doing good we're actually going to the movies later, you wanna come?" 

    Lance kept looking out the window ' Oh of course I want to go to the movies with the person I'm infatuated with and their boyfriend, yup sounds fun!' "Nah I can't, I gotta take care of a few things." He said. Besides the music that was playing they spent the rest of the ride in silence.

     About ten minutes pass and they got to Lance's apartment. " Welp this is my stop, thanks for the ride Keef." He smirked. " Would you just go already." Keith said as he unlocked the doors. Lance got out of the car and walked to the door of his apartment. He went inside closing the door behind him. He started to walk over to the kitchen when suddenly the pain in his throat reappeared but this time worse. 

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