chapter 8

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Pidge looked at Lance sadly for a moment before pulling him into her tight embrace. They stayed that way for a while, the only exchange between the two were Lance's quiet sobs and Pidge's gentle shushes.

She pulled apart from the hug slightly but not enough to actually break it, " I won't tell them this is something you have to tell them yourself, but I'm not going to stand by idly and watch you suffer silently. Lance I want you to promise me, and you have to swear on your mother's life, that you will not hesitate to call me if something, anything happens to you. And if you so much as think of breaking this promise I won't hesitate to cut your dick off, got it?" She said and held out her pinky.

Lance gulped and knew that for his own safety he shouldn't argue with her so he took her pinky in his and shook it, " I promise." Pidge smiled at him and stood up " C'mon we should probably get going they're gonna start to wonder where we went." she said. Lance also stood up and washed himself off before heading out of the bathroom.

Lance and Pidge went downstairs with several pillows and blankets, " Where have you two been?" Allura said as she walked over to them crossing her arms. Lance glanced at Pidge nervously for a second before she answered for both of them. " We were just gettin' some more supplies. Hey something smells good what're you guys making?" she asked sniffing the air.

Hunk must have overheard their conversation from the kitchen because he came over to them with two platters full of delicious looking sweets. " You guys want a treat before the movie starts?" He gestured one of the plates towards them. Lance, Pidge, and Allura each took a pastry from the platter and savored every bite they took, those things were so good they were intoxicating. Somehow Hunk had a way of putting so much love and passion into his cooking that it made whoever was eating it so happy and at peace with themselves, no matter how sad or stressed they were.

" Could you guys hurry it up over there? We're gonna start the movie without you!" Keith called out from the living room. They walked over to Keith and Shiro who were cuddled up on the couch next to each other, the sight made Lance's heart ache and he coughed slightly, Pidge noticed and shot him a worried look mouthing a slight ' Are you ok?' Lance quietly nodded in response.

They each got comfortable in their spots, Allura on the couch with her legs sprawled over Hunk while he had his legs on the autimen, Keith and Shiro where on the loveseat together, and Lance and Pidge were on the floor amongst the many many fluffy pillows and blankets.

It had been about half an hour since the movie had started and everyone but Lance fell asleep. He had long stopped paying any attention to the movie displayed on the T.V. screen, he was too preoccupied worrying about what would happen to him.

Lance rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sighed. He got up from his position on the floor, careful not to wake Pidge up, he looked over towards Shiro and Keith. He had a bitter taste in his mouth as he admired Keith's features as the faint light of the T.V. shown on him, he longed for him so much that it hurt but longing can only get you so far before reality and heart break crash down onto you.

Lance quietly made his way over to the kitchen and set a kettle onto the stove. Tea calmed his nerves, it's taste was one of the very few blissful sensations that could make him forget all his problems. " What are you doing up so late?" Lance looked back to see Keith.

" I couldn't sleep. What about you, I thought you where asleep." Lance said before taking a seat on one of the stools at the small island in the kitchen. Keith also sat down " It got really uncomfortable sleeping on that small couch with someone else plus I got thirsty." He said as he crossed his arms over the island.

When the kettle started to whistle Lance turned off the stove and started to pour the hot water into a mug with a teabag in it. " You want some?" He asked, Keith just nodded in response " But could you add so-" he was cut off when Lance placed a mug in front of him. " Don't worry I already added the honey and lemon to it." Lance smiled.

Keith looked at him quizzically before he took a sip of the tea, " You remembered that?" he asked. " I like to pay attention when I find something fascinating."

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Sorry for the late update!

First of all the DNA music video 👌 👌


Also im thinking of writing a Vkook/Taekook fanfic would any of you read that im honestly curious

Anyway i'm gonna try updating more frequently

In the mean time enjoy this sucky chapter :D) 

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