"Chapter 6"

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A/N: goodevening ~ goodmorning and good afternoon.whatever the time you've read this, hope you're having a wonderful day wherever youe are.. ~.^


Forth's POV

This was just his second time of sleeping at my place but my bedroom and every corner of this house doesn't feel right when he's not here.

I silently get out of the bed as I tucked the blanket around him.
I chirply went in the kitchen adamant to make noise and mess.
I turned on the coffee brewer after putting spoons of beans.
I toast three slice of bread and chopped some fresh tomatoes and took out the lettuce in the fridge.
I whipped a tuna paste then put heaps of tomatoes lettuce and cheese then cut it in a triangular form.

I prepped the tuna sandwich on an ivory plate and brought it in the veranda together with the boiling coffee inside the brewer.

I checked out the my sleeping queen and he's still snoring softly as he shifted places.

Is he searching for my presence?
So I sit beside him and pinches his cute pointed nose.

"Ai'Beam~" I called out his name as gentle as possible.

Beam's POV

The strong smell of coffee beans tickle on my nostrils. Lifting my soul from it's slumber.
Then I heard a manly but angelic voice.
Piching the bridge and tip of my nose.
I snapped my eyes open and saw Ai'Forth in front of me.
What's so good in the morning?
It's when you wake up seeing your love subject in front of your very own eyes.

"Good morning Ai'Beam." he greeted me in a bright sunny smile.
I nodded and smiled back.
He ruffles my hair then says
"Wash your face and let's have breakfast at the veranda."
I nodded again, perhaps Im still half sleep?

Washing my face with cold water frshwn up my mind.
I look around the room and Ai'Forth was indeed at the veranda.
What surprised me was when I entered it.
Weeks ago it was full of different flowers but this time it was decorated with red tulips.
Complementing the white marble tables and chairs.
Plus this guy sitting in such a relaxing manner.

"Have a seat and let's eat our breakfast."
I took one across him,
"Isn't it too early for breakfast?"
"Hmm. You'll know in a few minutes."

At around 6:07am the rays of the rising sun hit the glass walls of the green house then it shines like a rainbow inside the veranda.
The view was amazingly beautiful as if you just took a step in a world you don't know of.

That brighten my mood even better and the food tastes at it's best.
Ai'Forth did this effort to show me, how could I ever repay him and make him happy?

"Ai'Forth---" I sip in my cup of coffee as I watch the world outside.
"Thank you for this experience."
Forth put down his cup and hold my hand.
"I'll gladly show this to you everyday in your whole life, If you wish me too." Forth's words sounds like one hell of a proposal that my cheeks blushed as red as these tulips that surround us.

"Ai'Forth." I call out his name and when I look on his eyes, I saw a man in love.

"Ai'Beam, I told you yesterday afternoon, that if it's you Then I'll be gladly enough to be tied by you."
This early in the morning and it feels like Im in heaven.
How many surprises is he gonna say or do until he is satisfied?
I am out of words to say as if the food I ate were blocking them in my throat.

"Ai'Beam, this may sound ridiculous but I wanna tell you this, beCause, for the first time in my whole life, this is the first time I fell in love. And it's you. My Queen."

That serves as the last shot to took my heart away.
I wasn't able to utter a word but my tears fell down in happiness.
I wipe them several times but these droplets wont stop from falling.
Forth hold my hand amd wipe my tears away.
"Stop being such a crying baby, Ai'Beam."
He flashed his blinding smile and kissed my forehead.
"I hate it when you cry like this, I'd rather see you arching your brows or smiles genuinely, than see you weeping cause of me."
I hugged Forth and he hugged me back,
Oh this warmth, I never thought I'd ever had the chance to have this in my arms.

"My Queen, I said Ill be waiting but it seems that I can not, can I have your humble answer now?"

Where in hell dis he pick that way of speaking. This is utterly embarrassing.
Due to rains of surprises I am not able to speak my mind, instead I use my body to show him what I want to convey.

I stare at him for a godly minute then hugged him as I nod. He pushed me gently and asked.
"My queen please answer me with words, I wanna hear it from your beautiful voice." he wiped the traces of my tears. Then slowly but surely I opened my mouth to speak.

"Uhn.. Ai'Forth.. " i gulped down my spit that tasted like coffee that I just drink.

"Y..yes." I answered him and he embraced me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He lifted me then he swirls around. Then put me down and cup my cheek.
Forth stared for a few seconds and asks
"Can I have a taste of your beautiful lips?"
I furrowed my brows amd pinches his nose.
"Will you stop talking with that cringy words and tone?"
He chuckles lightly.
"I apologize My Queen , it's just I am over the too of my happiness right now."
I pouted and kiss my pouty lips. I was in awe then I covered my lips.
"Hehe sorry, I just can't helped it. I was tempted to taste."
I pinches his sides and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Let's finish eating and get back to sleep."
"I want to be burried in your scent."

I dont mean any other meaning on that last sentence, but it looks like that forth misunderstood it.

Oh my Beam, You and Your trap.

Tbc_ what's next xD
Looks like im running out of ideas here haha jk 😊

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