"Chapter 4"

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I was a bit late with my update for today since I am kinda under the weather. And i hope y'all will love this new update 😊❤


After the rooftop incident. Beam had been going in circles while Forth's been trying to figure out what he's feeling.

Beam was getting worried and lonely since he can't see his moon for quite a while now. But on a world that Beam knows nothing about, Forth has been in a hellish and taxing condition, his weekdays consists of long laboratory sessions that's wrecking Forth's and his classmates' brain and body.

"I need a replenishment." Forth murmurs then Lam offered a bottled water with a tissue wrapping on it with a word-no a name he had written, "Beam ❤".
His bull of a bestfriend dare to cheer him up. Forth shook his head as he unconciously flashed his bright smile.
Oh boy, what a lovestruck idiot.
Lam thought but didnt utter a single word since he doesnt wanna spoil the fun.

On the other hand,
Beam's mind is in the cosmos that he doesn't even react on Yo's and Ming's antiques. They put a flower crown on him while the STARS put make up on Beam.
Damn, Now he's even more beautiful than them.

During the afternoon break for the practice of Moons and Stars dance steps.
"Earth to Beam~" says by Kitkat as he seaweed dance in front of his bestfriend when Ming pulled him.
Moon's engineering, Mingkwan saluted on someone like his subordinate to his commander who's standing behind Beam.
"It's been a while P'!"
"It's been awhile Ai'Ming. Though we're in the same department we barely bump into each other huh."
The exhausted yet familiarly gentle voice snapped Beam from his daydream. A clinton cloud drive him from cosmos all the way as fast as lightning to reality. He looked up on the guy behind him as ge turned his body around.
He wiped the make up out of his face but before he could get away from this man he was already caught by his palm. He caresses Beam's cheeks then his dark bag under his eye.
"Can't sleep cause of stress?"
He was supposedly seriously asking when Beam's face suddenly painted in Pink.
"Or perhaps, you've been thinking about me?" Engineer teases this beautiful Doctor in front of him. With his talk as sweet as chocolate and was blind on everything else except Beam. They were in their own world when the Stars and Moons who are watching them starts teasing and squealing.
"Omg! P'are you like that?!?" She's neither disgusted nor hateful, instead she's squealing together with her Moon partner. Then the Medical department's Moon Suthee,  speaks in a girly tone and says,
"Aw, P'Forth, I think I just fall in love all over again~" which earns some teasing and laughters.
Beam's froze on the chair he's sitting at. While Pha cleared his throat louder and raised his brows on the candidates, then Ging claps his hands and tell then to get back ready to practice.
When the auditorium had calmed down, Kitkat snapped Beam on his chair and pulled him closer.
"Ai'Forth! What are tou doing with Ai'Beam?"
Silly kitty what are you asking?
Ming pulled Beam and Kitkat apart and Forth pulled Beam towards him. Before they walk out of the auditorium Forth left a teasing remark.
"You dont wanna know, since, sooner or later it's gonna be do to you too."

The three(uke) were shocked with Forth's statement while Ming and Pha gave him an aprroving look and smile.

Forth walked out of the building while pulling Beam behind him then they're going to where he parked his motorbike.
"Ai'Forth, where are you taking me?" at last, Beam's on his feet again and calm.
"Hmm..where do you wanna go?"
Anywhere with you.forth..
"Why would I go with you?" Beam's mind and mouth are battling on what to say.
He raised his brows and look away.
"But.. I wanna be with you, My Queen." Beam's ears perks up when he heard what Forth had spouted.
Beam's glucose intake is gradually increasing by the minute due to Forth's sweet declarstions, that even his body is moving on it's own. He hopped on the motorbike when Forth held out his hand to help him climb up the saddle. He snuggles closer with his chin rests on Forth's shoulder and his arms wrapping around the engineer's waist.
The touching of their bodies reverberates, syncing at the motor's engine.
In just a few moment, they were in front of Forth's place. The memories that happened there flashed backs like negative tapes on Beam's mind. He remind himself not to stay in the daydream too much as he clenched his chest.
Sky might be the limit but it hurts like hell when you fall back to the ground.

Forth leads beam inside the patio and he saw the roses at the veranda are now placed back at the garden together with other flowers.
"Why did you put then back in the garden?" He asked as he halt his steps and admires these beautiful flowers who seems to be greeting him back.
"Hmmm. You'll know once you check the veranda later on."
Forth get inside of the house while Beam collect himself and followed the guy.
Forth placed a white cup of coffee and white plate with cookies on the center table at the licing room, which is a black rectangular glass furniture that wasn't there before.
Beam's trance was snapped when Forth pulled him to sit down beside him.
"Have a cup of coffee, na, Ai'Beam. Then later let's have dinner,together.
The word together seeps through Beam's mind and flesh, tickling his fragile heart.
"Uhn.. So? Why did you bring me here?" Beam tried to speak firmer.
"Didnt I already told you earlier?" He smiles sweetly then says,
"I just wanna be with you, My Queen." Beam couldn't believe what he's hearing so he pinches his cheeks and covered his grinning lips.
It hurts and this is real. Beam thought.
Then he coughs an obviously fake one.
"Why would you wanna be with me Ai'Forth?"
"True that we had that one drinking session and I slept over and spent some time before I go home, But, there is nothing on to it to hold on to, so why?"

Forth tilt his head and cup his chin thinking deeply regarding Beam's fires of Queries.
Then Beam stares at Forth's eyes, deeper and sticky like a mixture of honey and glue.
"Wh-what?" Beam is weak with Forth's gaze so he turn around and shifted his sitting position.
With his back at Forth's when Mr. Engineer scoots closer , It's as if the last move to complete the missing piece in a puzzle portrait.
"Ai'Beam, I've been meaning to ask yoy this for quite a whiel now, Which part of the drinling session and staying over at my place, do you remember?"
Forth's question piqued his interest then turned his face which caught him off guard cause his Moon's face is just few inches away.
Damn that pointed nose, that dark deep eyes and perfect bow lips.
The temptation is so near but Beam can't move and can stare only. As if a forbidden fruit he isn't allowed to touch or bite.
"Mm? Ai'Beam?" The questioning yet caring voice, He could feel Forth's breathe and smell some mixtures of citrus and cig. Beam moved his body away from this creature, but outbalanced and was about to fall. But then Forth caught him and pulled him back on the sofa.
What's with this situation?
Beam's mind is full of question like a rummaging rats looking for cheese to eat. He isn't being pinned down focibly but he cant move his body, same goes with Forth who's on top of him with his weight on the doctor's body.

"Ai'Forth?" He calls out to forth who's lost in cosmos while admiring his Queen's profile.
"Forth?" he calls out again, the he tries to push him up but he is powerless in his moon.
Then he murmurs,
"My King."
His voice trembles as he bit his lowerlip.
The sound of his voice was on it's lowest key but Forth heard it out loud like a magic spell to brought him back to life. He smiles wide and bright then sits up as he pulled Beam together with him.
"Did you just call me your king?" He sprung this question at Beam and hugged him after and pushed him a little to look at beam's face. Forth is in euphoria and millions of butterflies are ballet dancing in his stomach.
"Wait!!!!" Beam's finally awake from his vast daydream, pushing forth away from him.
"Hmph! I only called you that cause you're not budging at all!"
"Eh? But Ai'Beam?" Forth bend his body and then tilt his head to the side and peek at Beam's eyes who's hiding his face on The leather buttress.
"Tsk... Too close!" he pushed Forth by the face but his moois already at the edge side of the sofa.
"Ai'Beam." He speak in profound tone then seized Beam's hands.
"Ai'Beam, listen to me, na?" Forth took a deep breath and continue.
"Ai'Beam, the night you sleep here, something did happened between us, and, I can't chased the "you" of that day out of my mind."
The Doctor's face was flabbergasted with his gaze scrutinizing Forth's words, trying to chew and proces what his moon says.
"Huh?" tears formed in his eyes with his face mantled with crimson shade.
"Ai'Beam?" Forth was concerned when he saw his Queen is about to cry.
"In..Im sorry, na,Beam?" He caressess the Doctor's cheek and held his closer.
"As I said before, I am aversed in the idea of romance and relationship,but if it's with you, then-----" Forth's utterance was impeded  by Beams hands. He shook his head furiously with his eyes weeping helplessly. Forth respects Beam's decision pensively.
Beam cries his eyes out till he fell deep into his slumber, while Forth, rubbing his back.

In Forth's thought,
This time I'll be a bit more docile and wait for you patiently, My Queen.

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