"Chapter 8"

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A/N: everyone, thanks a lot for supporting my fanfic of forthbeam (The beautiful You and Our Song). Im just new in this so im really trying to fill your unsatiable stomachs 😊❤


Forth's POV

We spent our saturday cuddling and sunday comes, with Beam talking with his Mom on the phone. After the phone call he look at me, concerns about something. He asked me if he could go home, I just chuckled,
"Of course Ai'Beam, you're not a prisoner here." I caresses his cheek and we prepared, I told him that i wanna drive him home, but then he says he wanna go to his parents place.

It wasn't that far and the road were quite familiar, his parent's place is along the way to my parent's second house.
It was on the outskirt of the executive village. Houses of distinguished businessmen and dignified people.

Before dropping him off at their house, he turned around whole he unbuckle the seatbelt.

"Forth, See you tomorrow." then he leaned and kissed, My Queen is soo damn sweet that i dont need another year to eat chocolates.

"My Queen, I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll go directly to our school." we hugged for a few more seconds, adamant to let go of each other.
I decided to push him gently, then kissed him one more time.
"You really need to get out of the car now or I might not be able to let you go."
His face blushed real hard knowing what I am implying, he pinches my side and get out of the car.

I waited for him to get inside the gate before i drove on the way to my parents place.

[monday, 8:00]

When I dropped him at his college, his bestfriends were waiting, Kit were sheepishly grinning on Beam while Pha is giving me daggers but smiles later on.

"Stop hogging our best friend! Atleast give him back to us, from time to time!"
Kit hissed at me the moment he hugged Beam.
Beam pinches his cheeks as if there's a whiskers connected to it.
Before I drive my car on the way to my college I left another teasing remark for Kit.

"Save your tattle, You wont be able to say that again, once Nong got a hold of your flower."

Kit was confused while Beam blushed big time and Pha's expressionless face cracked with laughter.


My weekend with Beam was the best, just him besides me fill me up with warm cozy feeling I've never felt before.
If I had known love before, perhaps, then I halted with my thought and shook those words away.

"It's futile if it's not my Queen."

A loud smack on my back snapped me from my train of thoughts.

"Stop daydreaming! And focus in the meeting." Lam says with a serious tone but he's fucking grinning.

"Your Highness, has been in love with you for Pete's sake, but dont just wander your mind around when we're having a class meeting here."
I nodded, I can't even get angry with this bull.

During lunch breaks, Beam and I had this routine of eating together, mostly it was me joining their group but when Ming got a hold of Kit and Pha is busy with Yo, I could have Beam all to myself, and that was the most happiest moment. Since, He only shows his sweet side to me when no one's around.

While we were in our own world, little did we know that a word was spreading like an epidemic waiting to attack.
It's already 4 months since we became lovers and this time we were cornered with a huge concern in our life.
People gossips about us being gays.
I may be gay, but only for beam.
Spreading a lie about us entering a hotel. 
Why would we enter a cheap hotel, my place is way netter than that!

We ignored the matter, thinking those gossips were nothing but trivial. Especially since our friends amd bestfriends understands us the most.

But a terror run through our spines when the school director called us out.
I hold beam's hand and he gripped mine.
He's trembling, afraid of something.

Upon entering the director's office, we gave a wai and saw two familiar faces. For him and for me.
The four were sitted across each other together with the director stuck in his table.

"Mom? Dad?" beam uttered then he let go of my hand slowly as he walk toward his parents. We entered the room hand and hand and that picture is enough for then to confirm that we have this kind of relationship.
I remained standing in the middle of the room, with a scowl on my Dad who wont even come in any school events since i was a kid, but this moment, why does he have to?
Mom called me and made me sit beside her, I was about to talk ahesd when she says,

"I dont mind if It's N'Beam."
Mother's utterance made my father's jaw dropped while Beam's parent's lips were agape.
I wasnt able to compose a word and just hugged her tightly. I earned an embraced, a mother's warmth and understanding. She's always there for me, the thought that she might felt betrayed terror the hell out of me, but instead he accepts me.

Then my goddamned father sighs and furrowed his brows, directly to Beam's mother.

"Let's forget the past and just accept our sons fated relationship."

I was dumbstruck with father's words so did Beam.
But His father clears his throat and says,
"So you really have a relationship with my wife?" Beam's dad is a wonderful doctor alongside with phana's dad. But that phrase sounds utterly stupid. I mean, sure my Dad would never go to any of my school events, but I know for a fact how in love he is with mom, even now.
Beam's mom scowled on his husband while pinching his ear.
"I wouldn't dare to have a relationship with that barbaric guy!"
Beam's mom's statement made my mother cracked with laughter.
"P' you really should tell your husband why."
Beam's mom sighs and fill us with information that we doesn't know of.
Dad and Auntie(beam's mother) were Engineers, and both from the same sotus, tho both are of the same team and field of studies, they were always in each others throat. Beam's mom mellowed when she met Beam's father.

The directors room were filled with laughter and reminiscing moment. But before we forgot the main topic, the director reminded us with a remark.
"It doesn't matter if the two of you are gay with each other or lovers, Love doesn't form with just a man and a woman, we're in the 21st century and the world is much more accepting now than before."

"For those who spread the rumor, they'll stop once they got tired, perhaps they're closets who are envying your open relationship. As long as you're happy, that's more than enough. That's what parents wants for their children."
Our parents nodded with what the director said and we gave wai on them.

When we got out of the director's office, Pha and Yo with Ming and kit are there, waiting for us.

Then Beam's Mom hugged me and My mom hugged Beam.

"Let's have a dinner next weekend." Beam's mom told me while Mom agreed to join Us.

While Beam's father suddenly clutched my head. As if he's gripping a volleyball's ball.

"Make my son cry and your doomed."

Then Dad rebutted,
"Hah! My son is as loyal as I am! So shut it." goodness gracious these two are like children.

The day ended with various feelings.
I didnt let go of Beam and we decided to go home.

My place wont be complete without you.

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