"Chapter 11"

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Afternoon comes and Forth woke up with the fresh smell of rain.
When he opened his eyes slowly he saw his Queen cloaked with white blanket while he enclosed a cup of coffee in his palms who was leaning on the sliding doors at the veranda.

He tip toed towards him and hug him from behind.
As if Beam was waiting for it, he leaned his weight on Forth's.

"Good morning, Love." that nearly choked forth, love? Beam never call him any endearment but this time it was loud and clear.
He peck a kiss on Beam's cheek.
"Good morning, My Queen."

"Uhn-- it's raining so let's have a soup for dinner or anything that goes well with the weather."

Beam chuckles so does forth.

"You have a shift tonight correct?"

"Beeeep--- I dont have, It's my paid leave, Ai'Forth."


Beam nodded,

"Yes, I asked for a paid leave to sync on your coming back."

Forth hugged Beam tighter whispering thank yous and I love yous on his man.

"Uhn--- thank you too for coming back home safe and sound."

Beam put down his cup of coffee and clings his arms on Forth's nape.

"Ai'Forth, I Love You."
Beam was full of surprises acts. Giving him a sweet poisoned warning before they sleep. Calling him an endearment he thought he wouldn't hear for the rest of their lives. Then this time, when Beam turn around and clings on him, the blanket fell down unveiling his naked body.

He was speechless, Beam's advances are aggressive and daringly adorable.
Forth took the invitation and pushed him on the white leathered sofa at the veranda.

They will do the act in front of these red blooming tulips.
Forth gave him a teasing kiss asking for an entrance.
Beam permitted the invasion of his crevice willingly and waiting.
The doctor runs his hands under the shirt of his engineer.
Slowly and teasingly stripping him.
Forth plants kisses on Beam's lips down on his neckline while this doctor shifting his head giving forth more access.
Along with those kisses he pinches giving attention on those ripe morsels.
From nibbling on his collarbone his tounge feather stroke that supple white skin down on Beam's nip, sucking them hard.

Beam could only grit his teeth and let out low moans.
The loving sensation gave them waves of lascivious feeling.
Their shafts were like vulcanoes about to erupt.
Forth gave them a slow undulating movements and makes beam arched his back and threw his head.
He is clutching on the sides of the sofa like he is clutching his life line.
Forth lifted his Queen's butt which shocked Beam.
He can't believe Forth is giving him a job, givingattention from his shaft down to hole. The sensation from a long time ago awakens him. It wasn't from their first time but it feels like, perhaps, it was that first day in this place.
The thought of it and the embarrassment results a crimson mantled profile of beam down to his nape and shoulder blade.
Forth love the view of it.
It's the most beautiful landscape he had seen in his life.

"Do you remember the feeling the first time I did it for you?"

The questions plays in Beam's ears for quite some time, he answers it with a nod since he was u able to speak, since whenever he open his mouth, it's either moans or different form of cries slips out.

When the love entrance had relaxed and softens, forth lowered Beam's butt and spread his legs wider.

"Hold on tight, my Queen, Ill start to move now."
After his fair warning, he thrust in, shoving his member in, making a slow push and pull which makes beam gasp and grunts.

It is still painful but he loved it.
Forth was about to stop seeing Him in pain but Beam hold him on his hips.

"N..no.. Dont.. Stop." his pleas were fragmented and his brwathing were ragged.
But seeing his desire burn in his eyes, Forth choose to continue.
How could he stop now when his Queen ordered him not to.

They were both in a trance and in a magical land.
The sound of the rain mingles with their groans and moans while the smell pf their manly fluid mixed with the scent of the tulips.

It has a dreamy feel but their sweats in this rainy night made them in check that this is reality.

Beam lift his head and pulled Forth for a passionate kiss.
Exchanging of hot deep kisses makes their longing hearts flutter.
Beam misses his man more than his operating tools back at the hospital.
So does forth, than his project left in Qatar.

But deep in their hearts they found this same answer that even if their bodies dont connect every moment. They know that their hearts are intact as one.

Reaching a great spasms makes Beam tighten up and the both of them reached their orgasm.
It wasn't a rough night, but it is loving and fulfilling.

Forth rest with his member still inside of Beam, but this doctor could not care less. He just let him. After a few good rest, forth slowly pull out which earns him a low enticing moan from his Queen.

He carried him princess-like and brought him in the bath.
A decent bath after a wonderful act of passion.
Forth finished first and prepared their changed of clothes

Beam followed with a bathrobe wrapped his body while he dries his hair.
Forth bring a blower and blow dry his Queen's hair.

After they both changed with a proper clothing which made Beam thought that it's too decent for a night gown.

He blind folded him which makes it more suspicious.
He pushed him gently out of their room and beam could hear some clattering sounds and other people's footsteps.

Forth ushered him on his seat and when the blind fold was removed, a set of romantic dining table and fine food and the soup he requested was there waiting for their pallate to satisfy.

Then a fine music starts, a familiar figure playing the piano.
It was Yo playing it and singing a song just for them, when he widens his range he saw two guys standing at the kitchen's bar counter, Pha and Kit. Then a tall guy stand beside him, pouring a glass of red wine for him and Forth, it was Ai'Ming.

He was utterly speechless, then he saw his man, walking towards him then kneel one of his knee of the floor as he stare endearingly on Beam.

He fish out a small red velvet box on his pocket and opened it same time when he says those sweet words.

"My Queen, I apologize for the long wait, but I wanna take my claim and be yours truly, vice versa, You'll be mine and mine alone. Will you marry me?"

Beam could hear Kit crying while Ming standing beisde him proud. Same goes with the approving smile from Pha and Yo's beautiful angelic voice supporting Forth's proposal.

How could he say no? He loved him first! For Pete's sake!

"Yes! Of course, Stupid forth!"
He was crying and smiling at the same time. Beam clings on Forth the moment his engineer stands up. They had a long heartwarming embrace while their friends claps their hands and congratulating them.

Beam's heart doesn't stop dancing together with the butterflies in his stomach. His euphoria will probably lasts rather permanently etched in his life.

The night was long and sweet and their friends left them an advance gifts for their wedding. Such a supporting bunch.

The last person to greet them that night was the crying Lam over the phone. He's tears of joy just wont stop. He was happy for his best friend but more for his best friend's wife whom he had been supporting since their first year of college.

Beam told him how grateful he was on him. While Lam wholeheartedly accepts his thank yous and asked Beam not to let go of his man. Not in this life time and not on their next.

Forth gave Beam a kiss and make a sound when they pull apart makes Lam put down the call. What a devil of a bestfriend.
But you can't blame him, He wants Beam all to himself.

Tbc_ thank you everyone for all your supports and for always reading my work.
Your messages really boosts and cgeer me up. 😊❤

Sending love,

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