Chapter 12

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Sorry for the long wait Ps and Nongs.
I was actually contemplating if this chapter will be the end or not.
And after rechecking chap1-11 ill just say this now but I TRULY APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THE TYPOS and ERRORS 😞😂
And above all the other chapters this is the only one which I need to searched information regarding thai wedding. 😂 I was thorn if I'll use catholic wedding or thai. That's why I had taken lots of time updating this. 😂
So as a result. The wedding is a modern + Thai wedding culture. Some aren't exactly the same as the thai wed but I still tried my best and mixed my idea with it.😊❤ hope you will like it. ❤
And also, THANK YOU for those who sents get well soon for me. 😊❤ I am really grateful for that. 😊❤❤❤

The Gardens

From the name itself, the place were filled with plants, from herb to flowering plants and tall trees, In the middle of it is the palace-like building.
That's being complemented by these bed of flowers and fountains.

A bigger version of Forth's veranda and garden. If Beam may add.

But contradicting of the magical place either of them can not explain what or how they feel.

Beam was too nervous that exceeded his nervousness when he was taking the entrance exam for their college, when he was trying to hide whenever he was about to bump on Forth back in the day he only had a crush on him. Exceeded the nervousness he had when he's gonna do his first major surgery on a patient.

But it's not only that, his feelings were mixed than a mongolian vegetable viand, more than a fruit salad in a certain occasion and
He cant feel his feet on the ground and his head feels like on a cloudnine.

Beam was fidgeting while wearing his white single breasted tux, complemented with gold rose vest and bow tie. He's also wearing a white pointed leather shoes and a gold rolex which was given by Forth on their anniversary.

On the other hand,
The groom was on a different level of euphoria. He greeted anyone who enters the waiting room he is in.
He hugged his parents, his soon to be wife's parents.
Damn he's in heaven even before the ceremony started.

To pair up with his beloved, he is wearing the same colored tux But with gold vest and gold vow tie. Wearing the rolex paired with Beam which had their names engraved at the back of the wristwatch with an infinity sign in between of their names.

When the ceremony is starting, the grooms sides of the family, Forth's mom and dad and his younger brother and the groomsmen who are their friends such Lam and Ging and other engineering classmates and colleagues are walking on the decorated isle with red and white roses while carrying the dowry for the *bride. While Forth on the last row of the line was approaching the same path but gated with Beam's best friends with their lovers and some of their colleagues holding a golden laced string.
The approach was quite fun and serious which stirs emotions for everyone of them.
He must answer their questions or any tasks given by them before he could go to his beloved.

Forth striding like a brave knight answers every question and tasks given to him.

"Why would I let you pass? How could I guarantee you wont make him cry?" Kit arching his brows while he is holding tight on the end of the string.

Forth gave a wai on Kit with a smirk. This Knight knows his game. 
He bowed on Kit while holding a white envelope with a red seal on it.
When kit opened the envelope, his mouth were agape and his face mantled with red.

" may pass." Kit stuttered while Ming was wondering what It might be.
But before he could say a thing his P' gave him a similar envelope but different content. When Ming opened it, he smiles brightly while wiggling his brows.
Of course that mean he could pass.
Next were their pair of colleagues asking funny silly questions that brings guest smiles in their face.
The last gate was Pha and Yo.
There was no question from Phana but one hell of a warning.
"Hurt my bestfriend and ill make sure that there will no more days for you here in thailand!"
Forth gulped his saliva down and approved Pha's warning.
"I am accepting it like a man, And I wont back down on it, doctor."
Pha gave him an approving smile then Forth look at Yo.
This little devil is smiling sheepishly , he definitely have something up in his sleeve.

"Ehem! P' this is a simple task, veeeeery simple." he gigles again then says to Forth.
"Please tell the whole world, I mean the people here how much you love P'Beam, In one loud voice."
Pha stares at Yo and Forth and smiles on his lover's task for the groom.

Forth took a deep breathe and turn around slowly as he grabbed all the guests attention.

"Everyone, You all know for what reason you are here, But I must say this now, even If I am ask over and over. I'll say this, so please listen."

He clears his throat and says loudly.

"I love Beam VEEEERRRRYYYY MUUUUUUCHHHH!!!" which earns a clapping hands and smiling faces.
Satisfied Yo and pHa made him pass through and went inside the room separated from the guests.

There, was Beam's parents ushering their Son to Forth. They hugged him and Forth hugged them back. Now Beam was finally on Beams hand. Forth Ushered him at the center where the kneecushion and the padded table. The two of them kneel there while the dowry that was offered for Beam were being showed and handed to Beam's mother.

Everything was magical on Beam's eyes. He can't believe he is in this kind of accasion right beside his beloved.

Next was Forth's Father went behind them and adjoin them with a special headpiece called mong kol that's been blessed by the monks while they held their hands in a praying position, this was said to tie them together for the rest of their lives.

After the sai mokhon the shell ceremony follows, this time, all the honoured guests are in line to pour the seawater inside this special shell while the guests are giving them their wishes and advice for a married life.
Forth just keep smiling while Beam can't helped his tears to fell. They're tears of happiness, just to remind you. And everyone thought it was lovely.

After the ceremony of bringing them together and uniting them, everyone went inside the dining hall.
They enjoyed the games that brought and made up by Ging were everyone participated in, Even the newly wed.

While eating the prepared food by The Gardens 4-star chef, one by one of the family members and friends are saying their messages for the couple.

It was heartwarming and filled with laughter but what touch everyone was when Forth started to cry after cutting the cakes, Yes the all smiling groom since this morning was now crying in front of everyone. Beam gave him a squeeze in his left hand  which made their rings touched. Forth is still crying in happiness and actually thanking Lam who had supported Beam since first year and all their friends who were there for them, Beam's bestfriends and lovers and absolutely their parents for accepting such a peculiar wedding for a peculiar couple.

When The occassion had ended, the newly wed couple were left at The Gardens' private suite that they had rented. It was on the topmost floor, a Sky Garden outside their room. It was a fulfilling day and a magnificent night for the two of them.

They were thankful enough to have such wonderful people surrounding them.

The wedding were successful and they're having their leisure quality time together with their rose mantled world.

Sorry for the long wait, hope you'll love this update. 😊❤

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