Chapter 13

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A.N- R-18 + romance 😂❤❤❤

Forth's POV

The beautiful You
Will always be my Queen and I'll always be your prisoner.
In this wonderful night, the moon will illuminates us and will be our sole spectator.

We had done this before but just like the other says, the third bite tastes best.

I never thought love could be as powerful as this. I was reluctant and never dared to dip my toe on such a thing but now I found myself covered with your love and overflowing with happiness.

I am thankful to have a wonderful person like you, and I offer my heart and soul just for you.

I am grateful that you had love me all this long and still loving me for the next and following seasons and so I am to you.

This rite is an act of our everlasting love, I will dedicate my life for you, My Queen, and tonight will be the most wonderful night for the two of Us.

As I rumbles those sweet words, Beam's face glowed and blushed so hard that even my face were affected and I could feel the heat.

I carried him princess-like from the bathroom all the way in our bed.
Bed as spacious for four with a canopy made with silk.
The bedsheet is covered with petals of roses which fragrance disseminate in the entire room.
I laid him there as he slowly let the soft cottony bed swallow half of his weight.
His mouth is utterly shut but the expression he is showing right now could tell a thousand stories of our life.

Let me explore your beautiful body, more thoroughly than before.

My utterance of sweet lascivious words makes his face redder, so does my heart thump like a hundred of horse in race.

Beam who's laid in wait put on this wanton expression that makes my heart fonder.
He curl his toes while he clutch the sheet. He is trying to hide his embarrassment by looking on a different direction.

"My Queen, please look at me." I am sitted on the side of the bed, my body twisted as I am looking forward at him. He nudge his cheek on my palm when I caressed it. Then he stares at me.

"Am I making you wait?" I can't help but smirk and play with words.
He nodded, His silence isn't making me uneasy but making me excited instead.

I lowered my head and lean my forehead on his, then our nose touched then I cupped his red mantled cheeks with both of my calloused hands as I tilt my head and reach for his lips.

His body is trembling not because he felt cold but because of anticipation. Like myself, he also felt a rushing of blood in our veins that's concentrating at one place.

Once our lips met, an exchanges of soft to torrid kisses starts. He is mouthing my name but what gets out of his mouth were not my name but little moans instead.

I parted my lips with his, as I follow the drool flowing down on his chin.
He arched his head giving me more access on his neck, I accepted the wonderful invitation as I lick and nibble on his neckline down to his collarbone.

While my mouth were busy on his beautidul body, my hands cant ignore his riped morsels, waiting for me to pinch and scrape it slowly with my fingers.

My Queen is drowning in pleasure as he clutched his paws on my back, The pain was nothing, I actually love it, giving me a reality check that we are together.

Down on his chest, I lick his pink nip, swirling my slicky tounge grazed with my saliva.
His fingers dances on my back and I love how it feels.
It's arousing me.

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