"Chapter 10"

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Moving forward..

Finally.... The P's are gonna be graduating in an hour..
P'Beam and
The Nongs are saddened, Yo's face were crampled like a scratched paper while Ming's.... Just the usual Ming. He wont cry nor be sad. He'll do whatever he can to visit and see his lover anytime he have his free time and on his days off. 

Specially now that their relationship is open to Ming's parents while Kit's brother gave them a greenlight now.

Ming gotten even more aggressive than before and showy, while kit, just his usual kitkat in front of everyone but a cute kitten when it's just the two of them.

Pha on the other hand, wore a ring, telling the people he have a wife waiting at home. He had done and said any possible excuse to his seniors and colleagues, but girl powers and aggressive women are just hard to escape from. Yo who's gotten mature and little devil when he become a senior in his college, he visited Phana, bringing a change of clothes and lunch for his dearest Doctor who's staying for 3 days at the hospital while flaunting the ring on his ringfinger, paired on his Pha.
Any thorough woman would be able to notice it at one glance, Yo thought, and he's not wrong. The moment he told the information counter to call out his husband, they were astonished to death but they can't argue either, most of the women surrender when they saw how cute and fair Yo's face is.
But what shocked them the most was when they saw a usually expressionless Doctor Phana, smiling with the sides of his lips are up to his ears. In front of everyone, Yo embraced his man. The only thing that broke their body apart was when a coughing on their peripheral were heard.
Yo gave a wai, and the man hugged Yo with his wide smile plastered on his face while he tapped Pha's shoulder with his fist.
"I dont care when you guys are showing your love for each other in your house. But not in my sacred ground.." he says in a slightly monotoned joking voice.

"Sorry Dad." is all Pha and Yo could say while smiling like children who did something bad.
It was Doctor Kongtoranin, Phana's father with a thick brows doctor's familiar figure behind him.

"Aw P'Beam." Yo Greeted with a wai then hugged him.

Beam who's always sweet with Yo like a doting aunt, hugged him and rubbed his back while he sheepishly grin on the women who're looking at them. As if he is saying hands off on my bestfriend coz this beautiful creature in my arms is his Wife.

"P, is P'forth coming back today?"

Beam's face were crimson redder than those roses at Forth's place.
He nodded like an obedient child which earns Yo's teasing.

While Beam discourse before his colleagues could whiff on what's happening, fortunately, the nurse called him and Pha's father together.

"Doctor Beam, once we're done with the meeting for the patient's operation, you can go home by then."

Beam's smiles were incomparably beautiful.
It's been awhile, since he'll see his man. Does his scent change like how the season on the country he was in? Did his body got tanned and more muscular? Dis his face neat and clean or with those prickly beard unshaved?
Beam's imagination run wild.

At mid morning were the weather was not gloomy and not that sunny either, a welcoming breeze caressed his face the moment he removed his helmet.

At 27 years old, his face got a bit mature and have the adult feel, his beard were freshly shaved while his spiky hair is a bit longer.
He's wearing his trademark leather jacket and a white muscle fit V-neck under it. His trouser is American eagle ripped jeans and a high cut black army leather boots.

Any woman or man who passes him by and enters the hospital were either tripped or bumped on someone since they can't unglue their gaze on this handsome man.
Whoever his woman is, She's so damn lucky!

Around 10:17 Beam got out of the hospital entrance and saw a group of girls staring and gossiping about someone. Their squealing and fangirling like they're looking on some famous actor.
He skid his way out of those hordes of women and lead him to a oh so manly guy that's waiting for him and only him!

To give some lessons on those bitches, he walked towards this rumored man who's leaning on his cool motorbike and gave him a peck on his cheeks and his lips, the meeting of their lips was hotter than the weather and longing. The rumored man wrapped his arms around his Queen and gave him a tught embraced together with his sweet spell of Imissyou..

In their home

Forth hugged his Queen behind, he missed him soo much more than his blueprints left abroad.
He earned as much intense directed back at him.

"I miss you Ai'Forth." says beam with tender voice as he turned around and cling his arms around his nape.

They exchanged a few kisses and then cuddles longer.

After all these years of hot kisses and cuddles and other things to explore their bodies, ever since their first time, it hasn't been preceded.
Forth were careful and cautious, he regretted it not because it felt aweful but Beam's face looks painful whenever he move his thing in.
Beam on the other hand thought that he sucked big time when the did it. Perhaps, forth doesn't like it when he----
Beam shook his head when he remembers the sensation he had back then were The pain and pleasures mixed.

His thought halted when Forth gave him a peck on his head.
Contemplating wont do so he had decided to tattle it out. It's been years for Pete's sake!

In their bed forth laid him down.
"Ai'Beam, you need to sleep since youve got the nightshift." he caresses his face while he brushes his hair.
"But..." beam wasn't able to continue his sentence when forth sealed his lips with his. Just a few seconds and their apart
"You need to sleep, I'll be here beside you, since I also just got back." Forth's warm voice like the weather in Qatar made beam's head a little light and fuzzy, it's not an uneasy fewling but cozy instead.

"Okay but," he pulled Forth by the nape and whispers like a potion itself.

I want you tonight and I wont accept a No as an answer.

Forth's face heats up like being poured with hot water. He affectionately cuddles Beam and followed him on his sleep.

My Queen, dream of me as I dream of you, then in reality we will continue the thing you just wish for.


Hello everyone, sorry for the late update and sorry for making the situation leapt in years 😂, I was sick and still recuperating. Ill try to update on saturday or sunday.

Lot's of love ,
Chii 😊❤

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