CHAPTER 1: My Cousin....Andi

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        After waking up, I hopped in the shower real quick, cause today was a big day. Today, we were gonna have a meeting about how we were gonna get rid of one of their biggest rivalries yet, The Reapers, once and for all. 

        As I walk out of the shower, I walk towards my closet and grab some clothes. As I start to get dressed, I start to feel arms around my waist. 

       I immediately shrug away from her.

       "What the fuck are you still doing here?!" I asked her. 

       "I thought we could maybe do something today, together." She says. 

       "Hell no! We aren't a couple. Besides, I have plans. So go find somebody else." I tell her as I finish getting ready. 

       "But..." She begins before I cut her off. 

       "Kelly, you know I don't do that whole relationship bullshit. And you also know that you're NOT supposed to stay the night either. So why don't you get the fuck out and if I need you again, for a good fuck, I'll hit you up. But that's it!" I told her before walking out the door. 

        I know that probably sounded too blunt and harsh. But fuck it. I don't do that whole getting attached, romantic stuff. It's better to just fuck them, leave them afterwards, and that's it. Less distractions and no complications. Besides, who has time for all that shit?

       Now, even though I had promised my mom before she died that I'd get married and settle down. I'm still not ready. I'm only twenty-eight. And even when I do decide to settle down, it sure as hell wouldn't be with someone like Kelly.

       I head towards the bar in the clubhouse and pour myself a drink real quick. Man we need to get a maid or something here. This place is messy and nobody here really has the time to do anything. But anyways, I will deal with that shit later. I don't have time. 

       As I start drinking from the glass, I hear my best friend and VP, Demon, say 'Hey.' I looked at him and nodded a 'What's up' to him. 

        "Hey I gotta talk to you about something after the meeting today." He said with a little bit of hesitation in his voice. 

        "I'm not sure why he's asking me with hesitation, but I'm sure that whatever has got him nervous and shit has got to be because of something not good. He never gets this way. 

        I nod my head as I take the last of of my drink down in one gulp. 

        We then head inside the room that we have our meetings in and take all seat as we get down to business. 

       We know that this may take a few months to do, for it to be successful, though we found out that the perfect time to ambush Julian and his men. Was to do it on the night of his big birthday party. In front of him and his guests. Just to remind them who the REAL boss is. 

       After the meeting was done, both Demon and I headed into my office. 

      We sat across from each other. Me behind my desk and him across from me. 

      "So, what do you wanna talk to me about?" I ask, cutting to the chase. 

      He lets out a breath before telling me. He has a worried look on his face.

      "My cousin, Andi. She's in danger. She hasn't told me details. All I know is that whoever is after her, has killed my aunt. She has nowhere else to go and nobody else she can turn to. So I was thinking that maybe you would.....allow her to stay here? He asks hesitantly. 

       "What the hell?!" I ask upset.

       "Look, I wouldn't have asked you but, I really need to look out for her. And beside, haven't you been saying that you are looking for someone who could clean up around here and to help out with the bar and also, she could, serve us drinks, and cook us meals. She has bartender experience, she used to be a maid at a hotel and she's a great cook. And most importantly, we can trust her." He looks at me with a look that told me I knew he was right. 

       Which he was. I AM looking for someone to do all that. I take in a deep breath while trying to decide. Then let it out before answering him. 

       "Fine!" I answered firmly. "But here's the deal. If things get out of hand, she has to leave. I don't care where. It could be in a hotel. But I don't want anymore bullshit to happen. Also, she sleeps in your room. And lastly, most importantly, find out who's after her so that we know what we're up against, in case shit hits the fan. I don't want anyone of us to get killed cause of her." I told him while lighting up a cigarette. 

       "Deal, man. Thanks. And don't worry I'll be responsible for her." He smiles. 

       "Yes you will." I chuckled. "Cause this isn't some day care and I don't want anyone thinking that it is one neither." I tell him assertively. 

       "Got it. Don't worry." He chuckles. 

       He thanks me again and then leaves while I start to shake my head, hoping that I don't regret agreeing to this. 

Next Chapter will be posted today!

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