CHAPTER 5: Possessive Much?

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After winning at UNO and my sister and them had left, I began thinking about going with Rose and Andi tomorrow to the zoo. Then maybe to Chuckee Cheese afterwards.

I don't know what the hell it is about Andi, but she's got me feeling shit that I have never felt before and I like it. Just like I like being around her.

Rose and Andi decided to have a girls night. So I kissed Rose goodnight and told Andi goodnight before walking towards my room.

As I was getting ready to fall asleep, my phone went off. It was a text message from Demon. I read it and saw a picture of Snakes with his hair, makeup and nails done along with the name Medusa below it.

I started to laugh. My gosh, Rose can make anyone do anything, she's so damn cute.


I was having a good sleep when I suddenly feel somebody jump on me while I'm lying in bed.

I grunt, as I open my eyes hoping that it's not one of the guys.

"Come on, Uncle. Get up! We are going to the zoo today and you're coming!" She says all excited and while shaking my shoulders to try and get me to get up quicker.

"Ugh...Pumpkin. Don't jump on Uncle so early. Especially while he's sleeping." I tell her.

"But we are waiting for you." She says.

Was she referring to Andi? Meaning, did Andi invite me to go? Wow, I didn't even have to tell her that I was going. That makes me feel happy.

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." I reply with a smile while giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay. Hurry." She tells me while running out after jumping off the bed.

I chuckled as I started to rub my eyes and then get up, take a shower and get ready.

As I walk out towards the kitchen, I see Andi pouring cereal for Rose and herself. She then looks up at me with a surprised look on her face.

"Good morning. Would you like some cereal?" Andi asks.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry. I'll just grab some coffee." I say while heading towards the kitchen.

"I'll get you some." She says.

"No. It's okay. I can do it. You two finish eating. We gotta leave in a couple of minutes." I reply while taking a few sips from my coffee.

"We?" Andi looks at me confused.

"Yeah. I asked Uncle to come along with us." Rose interrupts.

Damn. I should have known that Andi didn't ask me. And here little Rose is trying to play cupid or something. I can tell she's up to something by the smirk and look she has on her face.

"Is there a problem?" I asked Andi while raising an eyebrow.

She shakes her head. "No. It's Rose's day. She can invite whomever. You are after all her FAVORITE Uncle." She replies with a smile towards Rose.

After they finish and I finish my coffee, we head out into my truck.


Once arriving at the zoo and paying for our tickets, we started walking inside with Rose between Andi and I, holding both our hands with hers.

I liked seeing Rose with Andi. It warmed my heart to see that she loved Andi and Andi I could tell loved her as well.

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