CHAPTER 14: Revenge is Sweeeet!

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**WARNING: Short attempted rape scene**


Julian raped me a couple more times before luckily, he had gotten a call a couple days ago to go handle some business. However, he was supposed to be returning today.

So many times I have tried escaping but with no such luck. The bathroom doesn't have windows, which even if it did, I probably wouldn't be able to fit anyways. Then the only window in this bedroom was nailed shut and there was nothing I could use to try and pry it opened.

However, I REFUSE to give up, for Aaron's sake. He is what gives me strength.

I'm sure that my parents had already tried figuring out how to find me. Though I just hope they didn't call the police. Julian owns the police department here and it would only make things worse for me, though I know they would never do it intentionally.

I have been locked inside this room since I was brought here by force. The only contact I have had with anyone other than Julian was the maid and a couple of the guys Julian left here to look out for me.

A couple of days ago, before I knew he left a couple of his guys here, I tried picking the lock, which I was able to. But as soon as I had opened up the door and started running out, I was immediately grabbed around the waist and brought back to the room.

I know why Julian hurts me like he does. It's a given. It's so I'm too sore to wanna move so I can't escape. But little does he know, that I'm a lot stronger than I was before. Besides, he forgets, I gave birth to a kid. So yeah, this pain, ain't close.

I ended up falling asleep after thinking about Aaron, Demon, my parents and even Cage. I still love him and don't blame him. Though still, it hurts. So I just cried myself to sleep. And hey, it doesn't make you weak to cry.

When I woke up, I felt a heavy object on top of me and they were kissing me and I knew right away it wasn't Cage. Cause he makes me feel different than this person.

I open my eyes up and see it's Julian. He is on top of me. I try and scream but he slaps me really hard. I try moving my wrists and ankles but quickly see they are handcuffed to the bed.

This motherfucker stripped me down and cuffed me to the bed. (Curse me being a deep sleeper).

I still try and struggle. But it's no use.

"Shhhh. Now princess, if you don't scream in any other way, than for an orgasm, I will gag your mouth." He threatens me with his alcoholic breath close to my face.

"Get the fuck off me! You can NEVER give me pleasure Julian. Cage is more of a sex god. I will never scream out your name!" I yell at him then spit into his face.

He then slaps me a couple of more times, so hard that I know there will be bruises. Then he gags my mouth with a rag by tying it around my mouth. I still continue to struggle and scream, though clearly it's no use. But I will NOT be making it that easy for him.

Then all of a sudden, he grabs my throat. "Fucking hold still. I'm going to fuck you rather you like it or not and then I'm thinking of letting my guys come in here and have some fun of their own also."

I shake my head and start pleading through the rag. 'No.' Which he just laughs at. Then he begins to kiss me some more until I hear the door burst open and see it's Cage.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" Cage growled at Julian.

Then before Julian had a chance to get up and grab his gun, he was immediately pulled up off of me by Cage and he threw him onto the ground. Never giving Julian a chance to get up cause Cage immediately started beating the shit out of him.

That was until Demon pulled him off. Both Demon and a few other guys picked Julian up and took him to the car.

"Take him to the basement at the house, I will be there soon." Cage tells them. They just look at him and then at me with sadness.

Cage quickly looks back at me and he has a sad look on his face.

He quickly starts to walk over towards me and uncuffs my wrists and ankles. Then covers me up with a sheet, then picks me up and carries me bridal style down the stairs. While my arms are around his neck and my face is in the crook of his neck.

He gives me a passionate kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby. I know I fucked up. But I promise I will protect you from now on and make it up to you." He softly tells me.

We get into the car and he doesn't put me down at all. Not even when we got back home until he laid me down on the bed.

Though after a few minutes of being on his lap, I wanted to take a shower really bad. So he helped carry me and after turning the shower on. He turned around to leave.

"Please. Stay with me." I tell him after grabbing his wrist.

He smiles then comes closer towards me then starts to remove his clothes and helps me in the shower with washing myself. He was so soft and gentle.

I could tell that he was trying to fight back tears from the few winces I had done.

I cupped his face with both my hands. He didn't look at me. Almost like he was too ashamed to.

"Hey. Look at me." I softly tell him.

He shakes his head and sniffs. "I am so sorry. You shouldn't be with me. I'm so fucked up. I've let him hurt you. If I hadn't kicked you out, he never would've gotten to you. You deserve better." He says while choking back a little on some tears.

"Baby. Listen to me. It wasn't all your fault. And you are amazing. You are the best man I have ever known. And I'm sorry I never told you throughout the past several years about Aaron." I tell him as we lean our heads foreword, against each other's.

"I love you so much. So fucking much. I don't deserve you." He says.

Then of course my sarcastic mouth just had to joke.

"Well, that's true." I agree sarcastically.

He looks up at me as though he is shocked I agreed with him just now and then instantly see's my smirk and see's I was joking.

He smiles. "You are something else." He replies.

"Thank you. So are you. You're a great man who I love. And I just hope you still want me after you know, Julian did what he did to me." I started to say through tears.

"Of course I still want you. I will never stop. I love you too and you're it for me. I know you are. And I wanna spend every minute that I can with you, making it all up to you for the rest of our lives." He says.

"I'd love that." I replied. Then we made out in the shower.

Afterwards, he had the house doctor come and check me out. He gave me some pain medicines that made me sleepy for the next week. Which was good. I needed to heal.

Everything between Demon, Cage and I was better! But now, there was just one more thing that needed to happen.......

Cage and Aaron had to meet.

Next chapter posted today and will be about what happens to Julian. Hehehehe!! :):) Also, getting close to the end soon. But I will be definitely adding more stories to add to the HIS Series. :):)

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