CHAPTER 16: My Girl....My Son

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       It has been almost two weeks since Cage and Demon rescued me and saved my life.

       I have been sleeping most of this time due to the pain medicines that the doctor prescribed me.

       Though now that I'm feeling and looking better, I have realized that my time here is over.

        So when I woke up this morning, I tried figuring out how I was going to tell Cage that I couldn't stay here and neither could Aaron, even if he wanted us to. Because well, I have to think about Aaron and what if he doesn't want to stay or doesn't like Cage? And I don't want Cage to feel like he has to have us stay here cause it's the right thing to do. Though I don't even know why I'm thinking this way. He hasn't met Aaron yet and why am I jumping too far ahead?

        Fuck me, why is this so hard though? Why am I over thinking everything when I shouldn't? Ugh.

        I took a shower and got dressed before walking out towards the living room and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what the sight in front of me.

        "Sweetie!!" My mom said while walking over towards me and giving me a hug.

        "Hi. Mom." I reply while hugging her back. Then I look and see my dad walking up to me and hugging me.

        "Hi darling." He says while we hug each other.

        "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

        "Demon called us up. Told us where you were and that he wanted to see Aaron. So we thought it would be good to surprise you. Which we did." She smiles.

        "I am. And I'm also happy but, how long have you guys been here?" I asked.

        "Oh we got in a few days ago. You were resting and Demon got to meet Aaron and also..." He begins to say but then looks behind me and I hear the laughter that is my favorite sound in the world. When my baby boy laughs.

         I smile big and then turn around and see Cage giving Aaron a piggyback ride.

         They both stop and look at me. Aaron quickly yells, "Mommy!" He jumps down out of Cage's arms and runs to me as I immediately pick him up and give him kisses all over his face.

        "Hi baby boy. I have missed you so much." I told him while trying to fight back tears and holding him tightly in my arms.

       "Guess what?" Aaron says.

       "What?" I ask with a smile.

       "Cage said that we can have my birthday party here." He says excitingly.

       I look at Cage who looks like he's a kid that just got into trouble.

       "We'll see sweetie. In fact, why don't you play with grandma and grandpa while I talk to Cage, OK?" I ask him.

        "Okay." Aaron says before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

         I set him down and he runs over to my parents as they are sitting down on the couch.

         I turn to look at Cage and walk up to him.

        "Can we talk?" I ask him.

        "Yeah." He replied with a nod.

        We both walked outside in the backyard  and closed the sliding glass door.

        "Look, I will just get to the point. Aaron and I can't stay here. Even though Julian is dead, there are still other issues between you and I. There are still things that has happened between us really and I thought I knew what to make of it. I just, I know that the situation between yours and Aaron's relationship is because of me. And trust me, though I dread the day he asks me about his dad. I will of course tell him the truth. That I was the reason you weren't around." I try to stop the tears forming in my eyes at the moment, to fall down my face. "I wan't to believe you love me. That what we have is real. But we have hurt each other enough, don't you think? And I can't let Aaron be around that. I can't let him think he's the only reason his parents are together. I'm scared." I can't hold it in. I just let the tears fall.

        I look down and then start to feel his hands lifting my head up to face him.

        "I know that I have hurt you. And I know that it was my fault you left. In fact, I don't blame you for leaving. I don't blame you for not telling me about Aaron. Cause I don't know if I can be a good father or a husband. At least one that you both deserve. But I know that I love you both and am crazy about you both also. And if you stay with me I will spend the rest of my life being the best I can to you both. You guys are my whole life now and I will do anything for you guys. I also want you to know that if you stay with me, Aaron will have parents that love each other. Cause I sure as hell love you and Aaron." I chuckle as he says that and he chuckles too at what he just said. He then leans his head forehead to touch against mine and is lightly caressing the side of my face with his thumb while I'm holding onto his hand. "Please stay with me. I love you."

        I begin to cry a little more as I place both my hands onto the sides of his face and lean into kiss him.

        Then as we break away for a moment, I look into his eyes.

        "Okay. We'll stay." I tell him.

        "Yeah? Really?" He asks me.

        "Yes. I love you." I tell him.

        "I love you more." He smiles then we start kissing even more.

        Me and Cage then hear Demon, my parents and Aaron all at once say behind the sliding glass door, "Awwww." To which both Cage and I look back at each other and start laughing then kissing each other.

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