CHAPTER 13: Would You Rather?!

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        It's been now almost a week since I kicked Andi out.

        She had some nerve to fucking tell me that she had my kid.

        On one hand, I didn't want to believe her. I wanted to think that she was making it all up.

       Then the other part of me. My heart, was telling me she wasn't lying.

        I've been trying to drown out the pain and memory of her. But it's no use. I have even tried to do what I have always done as well, which was to fuck away my feelings. But I couldn't do that either. I loved her still, too much.

        I may not have remembered her right away when she came here. But I sure as hell do remember the very first time we met and hooked up.

       Those were the best fucking weeks of my life. But that night, I did fuck up. I did cheat on her and when I found out she left town. I was mad at myself. I knew I fucked up bad. I was beginning to get feelings for her and felt like it was too soon to admit it. And I regretted  not telling her ever since.

         Then when she came here, I didn't remember her face or anything but, I got that same feeling again I had with her many years ago.

         Julian hasn't come by yet, nor have we even seen any of his guys here in town. But still, we wanted to prepare for his arrival just in case.

        After discussing preparations and a few other matters in the meeting. We all sit around and before dismissing everyone I leave it open for a minute for anyone that wants to talk about anything. That's when I hear Demon's phone go off. He's been acting weird for the past few days, almost like he's worried about something. He looks like he hasn't been sleeping. Just like me.

        He has never had his phone on ringtone during meetings. He didn't even look at me to let me know he had to take it. He just took it. He just got up and walked out, closing the door behind him.

        Then since nobody was talking, I dismissed everybody. They all were getting things to help get prepared.

        As we were walking out to try and go our separate ways, a bunch of the guys were trying to pull Demon off of somebody he had pinned up against the wall with his hand around their neck.

        As I got closer, I saw that it was Kelly. She was turning red and blue. Then finally I got up to him and yanked him off.

       "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAN?!" I demand.

       "It's all her fucking fault!" Demon yells while glaring at her.

        He is bright red with a vein popping out of his neck. Now I have seen him this mad before, and it isn't good. Which is why I can see the guys trying to hold him back are struggling to keep him back from her.

         Now Demon would never lay a hand on a woman no matter what. And he's not drunk. So I'm wondering what the hell happened. She's catching her breath. Then I look at her then him.

         "What is going on?" I demanded.

         "Why don't you tell them whore? Tell him what you fucking did!" He spits out.

         "I don't know what he's talking about. He's fucking crazy." She says while still trying to catch her breath.

         "You fucking lying bitch! She fucking ratted out Andi. She's Julian's old lady and she fucking told him where Andi was at. She tried getting Andi and Aaron killed. Then because of her, Andi was taken by one of Julian's guys the night she left. Who the hell knows what the fuck he's doing to her right now." He then stops struggling and does end up breaking away his arms from the guys' grips.

        My hands have become fists, anger rises inside me and now, I want to beat the shit out of Kelly.

        I then grab her by the arms and grip onto her arms tightly and pin her harshly against the wall.

        "You are going to tell me where she is or so help me I will kill you without hesitating!" I threaten her through clenched teeth.

         She takes a big gulp. Then nods her head vigorously while wincing at the tightening of my grip.

         "Okay. I-Iwill tell you." She says.

         A few hours later, we were preparing for a couple hours drive to Julian's place. Kelly told us his address, how many of his guys were protecting the outside of his house. And where she thinks that Andi was.

         Though I appreciated her telling us everything, she still needed to leave and stay out of our lives. So I told her to leave town and never come back or else I'd kill her. Maybe I was too soft, but I had more important matters to attend to. I needed to get MY Old Lady back and to kill Julian once and for all.


Next chapter tomorrow! :)








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