CHAPTER 10: I F***ed Up!!

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I feel like the worst person in the world. I can't help but feel sick to my stomach, nervous, terrified as hell. I wish I could just go back in time and have more guts to just tell Cage about our son. Maybe things would be different. Maybe we would have already been together. Married with more kids and living a lie-free life. But no. In reality, it's possible I could lose him.

Though I wouldn't blame him if he decided to kick me out and though it would hurt me so bad, it would just let me know that we weren't meant to be. I would find a way of course to move on with our son.

I texted Demon letting him know I needed to talk to him ASAP.

After almost twenty minutes waiting for a reply from him, I got a text back from him telling me he's on his way.

Now it was do or die. The moment of truth. I feel so scared and just as nervous as if I was telling Cage also. Cause Demon was the only other family I had left that was blood related.

An hour went by before I heard Demon's bike pulling up in front of the clubhouse. Luckily, everyone including Cage, went out to handle some business.

I was sitting at the dining room table, with a bottle of Jack and a couple of drinking glasses. I normally don't drink. But, I need a little courage for this one, as well as Demon needed something that would relax him and or keep him calm.

Demon quickly opened up the front door and looked around for me and saw me at the table and shut the door behind him before walking over and sitting next to me.

"Hey doll, what's up? Are you okay?" He asks me.

I opened my mouth to start telling him. But instead, nothing came out. He looked at me like I was weird and then grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels, poured himself a glass and began taking a drink.

I then begin crying. I break down and fucking start crying my eyes out. Shit, this was harder to tell him then I thought. But, if this was how I reacted with him, how the hell would I react when I try telling Cage.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. Fuck! This is harder than I thought it was going to be." I told him between sniffles.

"It's okay Andi. You can tell me anything." He comforts me by grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

I took in a few more deep breaths and started to tell him.

Then, half an hour later, most of a tissue box gone and half a bottle left of what was a full bottle of Jack Daniels. And Demon now knew everything.

I started shaking and told him, "I fucked up. I know. With the Cage and our son thing and now Julian knowing where I am. I didn't know he would find me. And I didn't expect to fall again for Cage. But I did. Which makes everything more complicated. And I especially didn't mean to put you into this mess either. I'm so fucking sorry Demon."

I don't make eye contact with him as I am too ashamed. And he stays quiet for a moment. Which I hate. Cause I never know if someone is mad or happy, angry, or anything.

But before I could say anything else, he gulps down the last of the Jack Daniels in his glass. Then tells me to look at him. Which I do after trying to wipe the tears from my face.

"Look. None of us are perfect. Especially Cage. Now, I don't know how he will react to all of this. But you need to tell him everything. Including the part about my nephew." He smirks.

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