CHAPTER 8: Secrets

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For the past couple of weeks, things have been going great.

After Cage's sister left, me and her have stayed in contact and have been talking everyday. Of course, I have also been keeping in touch with Rose as well.

I went shopping at the grocery store today. Cage insisted I have one of the guys come with me since he had an important meeting. So I decided to bring Snakes with me since Demon was inside with him.

After arriving at the store and we started putting things into the cart, I suddenly had to pee real bad. Too much coffee.

I handed the list to Snakes to finish getting the stuff while I went to the bathroom and told him I would meet him at the check out.

As I head back into the bathroom, I make it literally just in time.

Once I'm done, I go and wash my hands. Then as I start to open the door, I quickly am pushed harshly up against the wall with a hand covering my mouth so I can't scream.

When I finally get a good look of who it is, my eyes open wide in terror.

"You've been a baaaad girl." The man said. His name was Bobby. He had a shaved head that had a tattoo of Satan on it and was covered in tats, was a big guy, but pure muscle and was from Julian's gang.

I tried to scream and squirm but I couldn't. He was too strong. He then put his hand firmly around my throat but is just enough so I can talk.

"How did you find me? Is Julian here?" I ask, fearing he's gonna come in any minute.

"Not yet. But he's comin'. And let's just say, a little blonde told me. Which also happens to be his girlfriend." He says with a smirk.

"Girlfriend? Who is she? And if he already has an old lady, why does he want me? Cause I'm not going back to him." I say while trying to fight the tears.

"Oh yes you will. Don't you get it? You're his main girl. And also, he will find out where your son is. And then you guys will be a family."

"You will NEVER find him. And You will stay the fuck away from him." I say.

"Now now, kitten. You don't want me to hurt you." He says as his grip tightens more, making it harder for me to breathe.

I finally am able to give it all I've got and I knee him in the balls. Then start running outside of the store, towards the car. Where I see Snakes, leaning against the car with the groceries already in the trunk.

"Hey..." he began to say with a smile before noticing the tears that were rolling down my face. Which made him now look concerned and worried. "What's wrong?" He asks me.

I quickly try to wipe the tears away, but am not fast enough.

So I shake my head. "Please, can we just go home?"

"Yeah. Of course." He says while opening up the door for me and then getting into the driver seat and leaving towards home.

Right as we got home, I helped Snakes take the grocery bags inside.

The car ride home was quiet. Neither one of us talked. It was a little awkward but okay by me. I needed to figure out what I needed to do next and how to tell Demon and Cage about what has happened and what was going to happen. But also, I needed to find out who was this blonde haired bitch that snitched on me.

As I'm putting groceries away, Snakes helps me and before putting the milk away, he tells me, "If you ever need to talk, I'm a good listener and I can keep a secret." He smiles at me.

He is such a great friend. And I would love to tell him. But I couldn't. It wasn't so much cause I didn't trust him or anything, it was more because I didn't want to involve him.

I just smiled at him and replied, "Thanks."

We finished putting the groceries away and I had decided that since Cage wasn't out yet, that maybe I should go into our room and think about ideas of what to do.

I had NEVER planned to fall in love with anyone. Let alone, Cage. But now that I have and we already have been through so much shit together. It wouldn't be easy to just up and leave.

There were a lot of things that I needed to talk to cage about. And it wasn't just about Julian. But also, about how five years ago, Cage and I hooked up and we were seeing each other for a few weeks, but then I got pregnant and when I went to go and see him, he had hooked up with some other chick. So I thought the best thing to do was to leave. Then, I met Julian a year later, while working at a cafe and he promised to help take care of me and my son. Which he did take care of him but just not me. So after a year of all the beatings, times he raped me, I decided to leave. But before I could, I needed to be sure he could stay at a safe place until I could figure out how to get him and I out and go off to a safe place. So right now, he's staying with an older couple that helped raise me when I was dropped off on their doorstep at one years old. I miss my son. And very soon I will be back to get him. But when I saw Cage again, when I came here for Demon's help originally, I remembered Cage, he didn't me. Which hurt at first but then again, he was drunk a lot of the time.

I know what you must be thinking, what a terrible mother. Why would you leave your kid like that. Well, the only answer I can tell you is that for one, you don't know me or my situation. Two, I'm going back for him and three, because IF Julian caught me and something were to happen to me. At least my son would be safe. Which, also, I now have to think about telling Demon about my son too.

Ugh. Fuck my life and these secrets!

Next chapter will be posted Today!! :):)

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