CHAPTER 15: It All Ends Now!!

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**WARNING: Torture Scene**


        I woke up from a couple hours nap after Andi fell asleep in my arms.

        Carefully, I tried not to wake her as I tried to quietly get up out of bed and head down towards the basement and finish Julian.

         I closed the bedroom door quietly and started heading down there.

         As I walked downstairs, I saw Demon beating the shit out of Julian.

        Then as I got closer to a tied up Julian, I looked down at the ground around him and I noticed there were a couple of his teeth there. Along with blood splattered everywhere which I had also noticed stained his clothes as well. His left eye was swollen shut and his right eye was almost the same way.

          Demon stops when he hears me walking up to him.

          I walk up beside him and place my hand onto his shoulder.

         "Having fun?" I asked Demon.

         "Hell yeah!" He replied.

         I walk over and crouch down in front of Julian.

         "So, you like raping women? Kidnapping kids? Well, you made a huge mistake when you came after MY girl and MY son." I told him through clenched teeth.

        Julian surprised me a little bit when he looked as though he was crying.

        "P-please. Man I'm sorry." He starts pleading.

         I don't buy this act for a second. So I stand up, look at Demon, nod towards the right to have him get me my pliers, and blow torch. It's my turn now to have some fun.

        Demon hands me my pliers first, while I ask one of my guys to hold Julian's head still.

        I then quickly double up on my black latex gloves, walk over towards Julian, squeeze his mouth, take my pliers out and rip his tongue out slowly.

        He starts screaming extremely loud which thank god there are sound proof walls in here.

        The next thing I use, is my blow torch. I walk behind him and light it up. I then bring it closer to where the flame is hitting his skin as I carve in 'Rapist'. His screaming is like music to my ears. Then, I saved the best for last. I decided that I would like his last agonizing, excruciatingly painful last moments of his life to be a reminder of why we are doing this to him. I want him to say sorry. I want him to beg. So I have the guys untie him from the chair and stand him up, then I have Demon pull down Julian's pants cause the next thing I want to do is make him suffer and feel just as much pain as my girl did as he raped her.

        I have Demon next, wrap barbed wire around the chair. Then right when he finishes I have the guys force him hard, down onto the chair. This way that every single part of that barbed wire is cutting him badly. Especially in the ass. And the more he moves around, the worst it is.

       While he is 'enjoying' that (hint the sarcasm), I decide to do one last thing. I take my blow torch once again then put it close to his private area to start burning it. Then the next thing I do, I just had to do, for Andi. I took my pliers and slowly pulled on his private parts and yanked it off.

         After that, I decided that I was done.

        "Shit man! Fuck!" Demon said while him and my other guy are gagging and holding their crotches. I feel the same way, but I can't show that emotion right now. Plus, I'm filled with too much rage to care.

        It didn't take long for him to bleed out. Afterwards, I had all the guys help clean everything up after he was officially dead, then had them take care of Julian's body. To first, send a message to other gangs, including his, that they are NEVER to FUCK with me and my club.

        After all was done, The guys and I were able to relax for a while.

        So I went upstairs and I took a shower first, then crawled into bed with my girl and pulled her into my arms as she cuddled up to me more.

       She was safe now. There was only one thing left to do.......

        I had to meet my son.

Next Chapter tonight or tomorrow!! :)

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