Chapter 1

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You got out of your car and stared at the new school. You held your favorite book close to your chest as you stared at the building.

"Have a good day at your new school honey," your mother called and then took off.

This was your third time moving. Your dad keeps moving because of his strange job and you have to move after every school year but this time he promised it was the last. You were now a Junior at Scout high school.

You sighed and then walked inside. Your mother dropped you off 30 minutes early so that she could go play bingo with her friends who are far away.

You began to walk around getting yourself familiar with the halls. You then bumped into someone fell down.

"Sorry," you mumbled and reached for your book but someone picked up first. "Hey!"

"Don't worry, I'll give it back. I'm just curious," the boy said and then handed back the book. "I've never seen you here before. What's your name?"

"(Y/n)," you answered.

"Well I'm Jean. And my friend Marco is around here somewhere," Jean said said and then a freckled boy ran over. "Found him. Hey Marco. This is (y/n). She's new."

"So you're the new student. Cool. I'm going to be the one helping you around today. It's nice to meet you," Marco said and you both shook hands.

"How about you join us for lunch," Jean suggested and you nodded.

"I'll see you guys later. I should probably go pick up my schedule," you said quietly and walked off.

"She's cute," Marco said and Jean chuckled.

"She doesn't seem to talk much though," Jean stated plainly.

/Time skip\
You walked into homeroom and sighed. You then sat down in your assigned seat and began to space out. You looked to your right and saw a boy with blond hair. He smiled at you kindly.

"Hi. I'm Armin," he said.

"(Y/n)," you replied.

"What class do you have after this," Armin asked and looked at your schedule. "Hm...French and then Gym. Cool. You have the same gym class as most of us but I don't know anyone who takes French."

"I'll figure it out," you said softly and then stood up as the bell rang. "It was nice to meet you."

You walked out of class and Jean ran over to catch up with you.

"You've got French class right," he asked and you nodded. "Me too. Let's go."

The both of you then took off to French class. You teacher was Levi Ackerman. You sat down and began to listen to what he had to say. You the felt something hit you. You looked to the side and spotted a crumpled up paper. You grabbed it and opened it.
It said, 'What's with you and horse face? And how come you don't talk much?'

You looked around with an emotionless stare and then spotted a brown haired boy glance over at you. You sighed and then threw the paper away and then sat back down and continued to work.

French was soon over and you began to head to Gym. Armin caught up with you trying to make small talk until they reached gym. You walked in and Armin ran over to two people. One was a black haired girl with a scary wrapped around you neck. The other was the boy who threw that note at you.

"Alright maggots. Get into two teams and let's play dodgeball," Shadis said. "We're playing girls vs boys and I don't care if the numbers are uneven."

You walked over to the side with girls. When it started it was all chaos. The only time you used a ball was for defense. Then it came down to just you and two other girls. The one girl was The black haired girl you saw before known as Mikasa and the other was a short blond known as Annie. The last two people were Jean and the brown haired boy who threw the paper at you was known as Eren.

Annie threw a ball at Eren but missed and hit Jean in the face. Jean then fell to the floor and had the funniest expression.

You couldn't hold it back anymore and you began to laugh, a lot. Everyone stared in shock. They've really never heard you talk a lot and now you're laughing. You finished laughimg and soon a ball came towards your face. Your reflexes reacted and you caught the ball causing your team to win and Eren was out.

The girls cheered and the boys all groaned. You then walked away from all the excitement and sat down and began to read for the rest of gym.
You felt a shadow cast over you and you looked up to see Eren.

"You're an interesting new girl," he states plainly.

You shrugged and then began to read again. Eren then took your book and began to look through it.

"Hey! Can you give that back please," you said to him trying to grab the book.

"So you do speak," Eren said and smiled. He then handed you back the book. "I was wondering if you'd join my friends and I for lunch."

"Sorry. Someone already invited me to sit with them today. Maybe tomorrow," you replied and then walked away and the bell rang.

So far so good. Am I right? XD

Je t'aime  (Eren X Reader) (Modern AU. Highschool)Where stories live. Discover now