Chapter 19

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You sat in your apartment staring at your violin.

"I can play whatever I want huh. How about we make it cliche," you said grabbing the instrument and beginning to practice.

/Time skip to next day\
You arrived at the school and sighed. You were wearing a short black dress with silver designs. You walked inside and was immidietly pulled away into the shadows.

"(Y/n)!" Hanje yelled.

"Sh! The whole school will jump on me if you say it out loud like that," you said and then hugged her. "I missed you."

"Petra is waiting inside the gym for you. Go go go! And thanks for making Levi go out with me," she squealed and then you took off.

You raced over to Petra and she smiled and hugged you.

"I'll announce you. What's your song so that the dj can help a bit," Petra asked.

"See You Again," you said and she nodded and walked over to a small stage with a microphone.

Eren POV:
My friends and I were constantly looking around for (y/n). I sighed in defeat and then saw Petra approach the microphone.

"Welcome to the Scouts High Valentine's Day dance," she announced and everyone cheered. "I'm happy to have you all here and a special guest. She just transferred to this school once again and will be playing See You Again. Give it up for my favorite student (y/n) (l/n)."

My eyes widened as I saw her walk onto stage with her violin in one hand and the bow in the other. Oh how I missed her beauty. She looked stunning in her dress. I can't believe we were ever over.

Your POV:
You walked onto the stage and saw people with stunned faces. You looked around around searching for you friends. You spotted a few and then smiled wide as you saw Levi with an arm around Hanje and you also saw Jean holding onto Armin's hand.

'Aw...,' you thought and then raised up your violin and began to play.

(/play music from above now!\ it's really good)

You stroked the strings gently as you began the song. At first it was a slow pace but it began to get a little upbeat. You smiled as you played. As the song began to get more emotional for you tears of happiness and sadness filled your eyes as the song neared its end.

Eren POV:
I stared as I watched her play. She looked so gorgeous and she played to beautifully. I want her, no! I need her. She's my one and only angel and I can't let her walk away forever. I began to head towards the stage as the song ended.

Your POV:
You stood there as the song ended. I sighed and then smiled brightly as everyone applauded. Your friends were especially loud as they whistled and jumped up and down. You looked around for that special someone but couldn't see him. Tears began to fill your eyes but then someone grabbed your hand and held onto it. You stared in shock as you saw the one and only, your true love and first love, Eren.

Eren stared at you with so many emotions in his eyes. He smiled a bit and then grabbed the microphone and began to talk.

"She played beautifully didn't she. She's amazing and a lot of other words like smart, interesting, loving, etcetera. A year ago she went to this school and I fell for her. She was my angel and then I hurt her. And I feel like a jerk for that and I could never forgive my self. But I've never stopped loving her. That is why I'm going to do this," Eren said and got on one knee if front of you. Your eyes widened and the crowd gasped. "(Y/n)(l/n). Je t'aime. Veux-tu m'épouser."

You stared at him and smiled. "I'm not sure I know what that means," you teased and he chuckled.

"I love you and will you do the honors of marrying me," Eren asked pulling out a ring.

You were shocked. Tears filled your eyes and you nodded.

"Yes. Yes! A thousand times yes. I've never stopped loving you and I missed you so much," you said and then hugged him tightly.

The crowd cheered and all your friends raced over and gave you a big hug.

"Je t'aime," you said to Eren and rested your forehead against his.

"I love you too," he said softly and grabbed you chin and kissed you deeply.

Sparks flew throughout your body. You felt happiness and love. You wrapped you arms around him and pulled him closer making the kiss deeper.

Everyone whistled and your friends laughed. You pulled away and smiled at everyone.

"Je t'aime," Eren whispered in your ears as he slipped the beautiful ring onto your finger.

"Je t'aime," you replied and smiled at him.

EEEEEE! Happiness! It's adorable. Keep reading though.

Je t'aime  (Eren X Reader) (Modern AU. Highschool)Where stories live. Discover now