Chapter 8

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You woke up in a moving car. Your head ached in pain as you sat up. You looked over and saw a man driving the car.

"What's going on," you asked.

"I just want my money," he said.

"Eh?" You said confused.

"Did your dad ever talk about his debt," he asked and soon stopped the car.

You shook your head completely confused. You were then yanked out of the car and pulled into a shed and thrown to the ground.

"Stay here or else I'll kill you," he growled and then slammed the door and locked it.

"Let me out!" You cried and banged on the door bit that didn't help.

Eren POV:
The doorbell rang constantly and I yawned.

"Ugh. I'm coming, I'm coming," I called. "At this point the doorbell will wake up Mikasa and I don't want to deal with that."

I opened the door and was surprised to see Marco, Sasha, and Connie standing there.

"What's going on? We're suppose to meet up tomorrow not today," I stated not in the mood. I was super tired since it was literally almost past 10.

"(Y/n). Something's happened to her. She called me because she was scared and thought someone was outside her house. I told her it was probably no one but then I heard yelling and fighting," Marco said in worry.

"She was home alone?! Why?!" I said angrily.

'If anything happens to her I'll kill them,' I thought and narrower my eyes.

"Let's go to her house. There must be some clues," I said.

Mikasa then walked downstairs and stared with tired, mad eyes.

"Why is everyone here at this hour?! And what's going on?" She asked.

"Something has happened to (Y/n) and we're going to find out," I said beginning to leave but then she grabbed my arm.

"Where ever you go, I go," Mikasa said and I nodded.

We then headed to (y/n)'s house.

/le Time skip\
We arrived at (y/n)'s house to see the front door wide open. Her dad wasn't home and her mom should've been home around this time but she wasn't.
I began to search through the house and saw her phone lying on the ground cracked. My eyes widened.

"Oh no!" I said and then ran outside and saw an oil leak strand on the street.

"Guys! I think I know where she is!?"

Eren to the rescue! *dramatically sings* I need a hero!

Je t'aime  (Eren X Reader) (Modern AU. Highschool)Where stories live. Discover now