I Never Knew That!!(:

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This is for @katie_lewis_95. I hope it's amazing but if not ill make another I promise. Let me know. Sorry for being so late.


Hi I'm Katie and I'm Justin Bieber's Bestfriend. Yeah I am known by millions of Beliebers. They are also some of my fans to. They are sweet and intelligent. So about Mine and Justin's friendship and how it works. Well me and him have been friends since diapers. My nickname from Justin is Kat (aka sound of the name is Cat). Well Justin has always been there for me. Oh yeah I almost forgot. My Boyfriends name is Nick Berry. But him and Justin don't get along. I never knew why but oh well. Well I was laying on my bed when I heard "KAT, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" "In here" I yelled back and in walk Justin. My nickname for him is Jay, JayJay or JuJu. "What's up Jay?" I ask him. "Nothing but I need to tell you something and show you something." He replied. "What is it? Is it about a tour of yours?" I ask him. "No not at all. But this is important and your not going to like it." He then showed me a video. It was taken today and it had Nick and some other girl in it. Justin had recorded it from behind them. "Babe are we just going to sit or do something" said the girl. "I got an idea let me do this" Nick said and kissed the girl straight on the lips. Then I realized that girl was a old friend of mine and her name is Shea. Shea Carpenter. We went to my old school together. Then I moved here and so did Justin. I sat there and looked at the screen and didn't look up. I wasn't shocked to be honest I new it was going to happen sooner or later. But I was pissed off with him. "Please say something." Jay said. "Send me the video." I told him. "No but I need that I'm going to him house when you do. Want to come with me?" "Sure" Was all he send. Then he sent it to me. My phone started singing the song Human. I opened it and there was the video. I just smiled. "Let'a go. I'm leaving now." I told him with a smile. "Ok. But there is something seriously wrong with you most girls would cry and your smiling and laughing." "That's because I saw it coming and I know that girl in the video. It was Shea. Shea Carpenter. Ring a bell at all." I replied. "Oh ok then let's go." I grabbed my keys. And we got in my car. (Black Convertible Ferrari). We got there and I told Justin to stay in the car and I got out and walked to the door. I knocked and his mom answered the door. "Hello Dear are you here for Nick?" "Yeah can I come in?" "Sure! He's upstairs." "Ok thanks Mrs.Berry." "No Problemo sweetheart." I walked upstairs and knocked and walked in. "Hey Babe! What are you doing here?" Nick ask me. "NO DON'T BABE ME YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH SHEA CARPENTER! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! I NEVER WOULD HAVE CHEATED ON YOU AND HERE I AM CONFRONTING YOU ABOUT IT!" "Babe What are you talking about I never cheated." He said calmly. "Oh so this is fake right here!" I gave him my phone and he watched the video. "I'm soooo sorry babe that was a mistake." "Oh I'm sure it was oh well by the way, WE ARE OVER!" "But let me explain." "No sorry we're over bye." I walked out the door. And to my car and I saw a curious looking Justin in the car. I got in and smiled and laughed. "Finally We're Over." "I heard yelling and thought you were going kill him literally." He said chuckling. "Oh trust me I could care less about him and Shea any day and that is today." I said smiling. "Want to go hiking somewhere you've never been?" Justin ask me. "Sure! Where?" "Not telling. Let me drive please." "Fine" We got out and changed spots and then he started the car. It took what seem like forever but it was only 2 hours away. But Justin gave a blind fold and told me to put it on. I did but when did he get it? Oh well I don't care let's go hiking blind folded. "Are you going to kill me or something?" I ask Justin. He chuckled " No even if I wanted to I wouldn't cause then I'd miss you way to much." "Oh ok but make sure I don't kill myself cause of corse I can't see. Meany." I told him. "You wouldn't I promise I'm right here." He said. "Can I take it off now?" "Not yet, hang on." "Tell me when I can." He let me go and we stopped walking. "Now you can take it off." He said. I took it off and there was a waterfall and a rainbow for the mist. "Oh-My-God! This is so beautiful." I said amazed. "Just like you. So what you think? Do you like it?" He ask me. "No I don't like it. I FREAKING LOVE IT! It's so beautiful. But JayJay I'm not this beautiful." I explained. I looked down when I told him I wasn't that beautiful. Because I'm truley not I think I'm the ugliest person ever. "Do not say you are the ugliest person ever, ever again got it. You are the most prettiest person I ever laid eyes on. And trust me on this I wouldn't lie to such a Beautiful face like yours." He said lifting my chin up so my gaze would meet his. "Ok" Was the only thing that came mouth. The truth is when Justin called beautiful I felt butterflies in my stomach. Yes I fell in love with my best friend. "Did I hear correctly that you are like in love with me cause if I did I'm like the most proudest guy in the world right now. Because I'm in love with you too." He said. "Damnit did I say that out loud." I ask. "Yes, yes you had the same secret I did." But before I could say anything I felt soft lips touch mine and I instantly kissed back. "Kat, I Love You So Much." "Jay, I Love You Too So Much." I replied.


Katie I hope it was good. Sorry it took so long. But it's up and for you to read. Guys remember vote and comment what you think. And message me or comment if you want one.

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