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I was playing at the subdivision park when my attention diverted to a girl walking heads down.

I walk towards her, "Hi, are you alone? Where's your yaya?" I asked her.

She just threw a glance on me and walk faster, I ran so that I could still reached her. I stood up in front of her. "Where is your yaya?" I asked her again.

"They all hate me." She didn't even put her heads up or look unto my eyes.

"Why? Are you bad?" I curiously asked.

"I don't know, maybe?" Still, her head is facing her feet, what's interesting there?

I hold her chin and put her heads up, "There, now I can see your face."

Her cheeks blushed, "You're blushing!!" I teased her.

She beat me and laugh. "You know, you're beautiful when laughing, keep on doing that. My mom told me that when you are always busangot you will have wrinkles in your head, and you will grow old fast! So always smile!" I can see happiness in her eyes.

"What is you name?" She furrowed her eyebrows and this time I notice that she's holding a doll on her right side.

"I am Marco. You are?" I lifted my hand up.

"I am Azalea" she accepted my hands.

"I'm four years old." I told her.

She smiled "I'm three."

We both enjoyed the short time we had, "Are you living here?" She asked.

"No, my parents have something to in my godparents house and that's boring that's why I'm playing here." I explained to her.

Her face saddened, "so you will not my play mate anymore?" she even pouted her lips.

"I can be, but I can't promise because our house far from here." Her eyes started to watered.

"Why?" Her tears started to fell, and now she's crying.

"Don't cry." I told her. "Okay, I promise I will be your play mate every day." I handed her my handkerchief.

"Thank you." We both smiled.

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