Love In The Air (1)

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Aeroplanes should not work. They are flying metal tubes. That's it. And considering my lack of faith in these flying metal tubes, it seems unlikely that I would ever be willing to go on one by myself. That statement is completely true. I am most definitely not willing to go on an aeroplane, never mind alone. Yet, here I am walking through the airport.


If I had my way, I would be sat at home, on my couch, eating pizza, watching Netflix and wondering why I'm still single. However, when it comes to my mum, it is quite impossible to get your own way. So thanks to my lovely mother I am being forced onto one of these flying death tubes to visit my dad. Alone. Yay me.

5 years ago, when I was 14, my mum and dad got a divorce. They still talk, they remain friends, they came to each other's second weddings, and they buy each other Christmas presents.... It's weird. It's nice, but it's weird.

A few years later, my dad moved to Texas with his new wife. Texas. Due to his move I haven't seen him in a while so my mum came up with the brilliant idea of sending me to live with him for a few months.

Don't get me wrong; I love my dad. I miss him all the time. But 11 hours in a tube of death is not my first choice of activity for a cloudy Wednesday.

If the airport is any indication of how smooth my flight will be I'm in serious trouble. I've gotten lost 6 times, had to ask for help 4 times, gotten stopped by security twice and tripped over my hand luggage 3 times. I thought hand luggage on wheels was meant to make your life easier? Obviously, I was mistaken.

By the time I get to my gate, I'm knackered. However, because I'm me, and my luck is non-existent, there's nowhere left to sit and wait until the plane begins to board. I look around, desperate for a seat to magically appear in front of me.

"Um, excuse me?" I hear a male voice come from somewhere behind me. I turn to see a boy about my age sat down. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. He reminded me of Joe Brooks in that Superman music video. He smiles shyly before reaching and moving his hand luggage off of the seat next to him. "You can sit here if you want?" I sigh gratefully and collapse into the seat next to him.

"Thank you so much." He laughs softly and I look up to meet his eyes.

"Rough day?"

"You have no idea, if I never have to travel ever again, it'll be too soon." He positions himself in his chair so he is facing me slightly more than before.

"Is it your first time on a plane?" I nod, closing my eyes and putting my head back against the seat.

"You get used to it, I wouldn't stress too much." I open one eye to find him looking at me; he looks a mixture of worried about me and sorry for me. We talk for a minute before I realise I haven't thanked him yet.

"Thank you. For the seat, and talking to me. I didn't realise how much I wanted to just talk to someone. Travelling alone is lonely." He nods.

"Yeah, I usually travel with my family to go on holiday or something, so being on my own is still new to me too."

We continue to talk, sharing why we're going to Texas (a family wedding, his parents flew out before him), our favourite colour (orange for me, red for him) and other random things about each other until it's time to board the plane. I get up straight away, while he stays seated, apparently he prefers to get on last so there aren't as many people in his way. Personally, I think they'll be more people in your way at the end but, hey, what do I know?

Stepping onto the plane felt like walking the plank. Not that I know what that's like, but I can imagine it feels something like this. I get settled in my seat next to the window. There is one seat next to me and as people walk past, I keep expecting one of them to sit there, but no one does. Just as I think everyone is on the plane and the seat will remain empty, I feel a weight settle next to me. I look over at the same time as my plane neighbour and we both wear the same shocked expression.

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