Love In The Air (14)

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"I can't believe...why are are you here? I..." I can't help but laugh at his bewildered expression as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Turns out my step-mum is good friends with your cousin." He doesn't say anything, just pulls me into a hug. I hug him back tightly. All too soon, we pull apart.

"I can't believe you're here."

"Like you said, maybe the world is trying to tell us something, it keeps throwing us together."

"Maybe we should listen to it."

"Maybe we should." His face had slowly gotten closer to mine and our noses almost touch. One of Cameron's hands comes up to my face while the other holds my waist.



"Can I kiss you?" I laugh and close the space between us, meeting his lips with mine.

We pull away and look at each other. Cameron takes my hands in his. "I-"

"Oh! Sorry, did I interrupt something?" I sigh and drop my head to Cameron's chest before turning to Sophie.

"Nope. Absolutely nothing." I say, rolling my eyes. She smiles slyly.

"Hmm..." She looks at Cameron and walks forward, arm outstretched. "You must be Cameron, I'm Sophie, Mae's step-mom."

Cameron drops my hands in order to shake Sophie's. "Nice to meet you."

I walk forwards and give Sophie a hug. "I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"What's that for?" she whispers back.

"Just letting you know."

"I love you too, pea." I pull back to find tears in Sophie's eyes. She fans herself and looks up. "Mae! You're going to make me ruin my make up." I laugh and she smiles. "Well, I better go inside before your dad does something stupid, you guys have fun." She turns and walks back inside.

"You were saying?" I say to Cameron as I turn to face him.

He scratches the back of his neck. "Um...never mind, doesn't matter." He waves it off, looking shy.

He kisses me on the cheek, before leading us both back inside.

We walk in and head straight to the dance floor. Almost everyone is dancing and we stop somewhere on the outside. I turn towards Cameron and put my arms around his neck, and he slips his around my waist.

We sway along to Elvis and at this very moment, just like the song suggests, I Can't Help Falling In Love. With the fairy lights around the room, the happy couples, the amazing atmosphere, I want nothing more than to stay in this moment forever. But soon the song is over and everyone is clapping as the newly weds kiss in the centre of the dance floor.

I look back at Cameron to see him already looking at me. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. My stomach fills with butterflies and my pulse quickens. I kiss him back instantly and pull back to look in his eyes. We both smile and I duck my head into his shirt, hiding my blush. I feel Cameron's finger under my chin as he lifts my head to meet his eyes. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?" I laugh slightly and shrug.

"Maybe a little."

"Aren't you going to tell me I'm amazing too?"

"I'm not a fan of lying." I answer, smirk on my face. Cameron playfully punches my shoulder laughing.

"Screw you."

"Please do." Cameron freezes and looks at me before we both bend over laughing. "That...omg...your face." I manage to say, struggling because of my laughter.

"Shut up. I wasn't expecting it is all, who knew you were so smooth with your come backs." We recover and start to dance to the more upbeat song playing through the sound system. Cameron holds one of my hands and spins me.

"Who knew you were such a smooth dancer." Cameron smirks and shrugs one shoulder.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Care to share?"

"I can solve a Rubik's cube in under 15 seconds."


"I can do the crab then walk down the stairs where I live at Uni."

I shake my head. "No way."

"Yes way."

"I need evidence."

"And you will get it." I laugh again as Cameron dips me in time with the song.

"Stop surprising me with those fancy dance moves of yours."

"Not my fault you can't keep up." I stand on his foot with my heel. Hard. Cameron doubles over in pain groaning.

"Oops, sorry, I couldn't keep up." He smiles at me before grabbing me around the waist and tickling me. "No! No, stop! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!"

"Nope, not good enough." And with that he throws me over his shoulder and begins to carry me outside.

I hit his back repeatedly but he never loosens his grasp.

"Cameron Gledhill, you put me down right now."


"Cameron people are staring."

"Don't care."

When we get outside he puts me down and I smack him on the arm instantly. "You are a complete buffoon, I better not have flashed anyone. You incompetent, prick-"

I'm cut off as Cameron presses his lips to mine and I instantly melt into him. He pushes me back against the wall and deepens the kiss. As we pull apart I'm slightly out of breath, "I'm still annoyed with you." Cameron lets out a deep, breathy laugh.

"I can live with that." and then his lips are back on mine. As anyone could guess, as soon as his lips met mine, all rational thought was gone and I was most defiantly not still annoyed with him.

Content, I sighed against his lips and broke away, I rest my head on his shoulder and we sway along to the faint music drifting outside through the open door. I'm happy.

Maybe aeroplanes aren't that bad after all, they led me to Cameron.

Who am I kidding; aeroplanes suck.

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