Love In The Air (8)

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We wait for the seatbelt sign to go off before standing up and getting our hand luggage. As we walk through the terminal to where we pick up our bags, a thought occurs to me for the first time. My time with Cameron is coming to an end, and I'll probably never see him again.

Texas is the second largest state in America so I highly doubt that we'll just bump into each other, and I found out on the plane that both our University's are quite close back in England, but once he's back to his own life, will he really want me in it? Maybe he thinks it was good while it lasted, but what if that's it?

He'll go home and forget all about the crazy girl on his trip to Texas. The thought brings tears to my eyes but I push them down, I won't ruin this, not if it's the last time I'll ever see him.

We wait for our bags and chat, just like we had on the plane. Cameron introduced me to a game his family play when they go on holiday. You have to make up who owns the luggage you see on the conveyer belt.

"Ok, what about that one." I point to a pink bag with purple flowers.

Cameron nods, thinking. "Women in her 60's, here with her husband for one of the craft fairs. The tickets were an anniversary present from their daughter, who is about 21, brown hair and brown eyes." He looks at me with his lopsided smile and I laugh. "Your turn, that one just coming around the corner." This one is a green hard-shell case with stickers all over it from places around the world.

"British guy taking a gap year to travel. He's finished his tour of Europe so now he's on to America, starting with Texas. After America he'll go onto Asia. His parents wish he'd be a lawyer, but he doesn't want to be tied down just yet."

Cameron nods in appreciation, "Nice."

We continue playing until our cases come out one after the other. When Cameron spots them he says, "I feel like the world is trying to tell us something, it keeps throwing us together." He smiles and nudges me with his elbow and I smile back. We walk through the airport and my smile slowly starts to drop.

"Guess this is it." We both stop just before the doors and turn to face each other. I don't say anything in reply, just go up on my tiptoes and hug him. He hugs me back instantly, squeezing me tightly. "Take care of yourself ok? I'm going to miss you Mae Cadwell." I can't do anything but nod in case I start crying. When we pull away, we say our goodbyes and head our separate ways.

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