Love In The Air (5)

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We just sit for a while, when suddenly my chair jolts forward. It does this continually for a while before stopping. Cameron and me share a look before it starts again. "Someone's kicking my chair!" I whisper to Cameron.

"I can see that." He whispers back, a slow smirk forming in his face.

"Do something!"

"Me? Why would I do anything about it, its not my chair." The person behind me is still kicking my seat and I give Cameron the best set of puppy dog eyes I can muster. He sighs, "Fine, I'll do the talking but you're still getting up with me."

He takes off his seat belt and turns so that he is kneeling on his seat. I follow his lead, doing the same. We turn to see a little boy, about 4 years old sat next to what I would guess is his dad. "Um, excuse me, really sorry but your son is kicking my friends chair, and we were wondering if you could ask them to stop?"

The man looks up from his magazine to study Cameron and me before turning to his son. "Sam, stop kicking this lady's chair."


The man looks back at us and shrugs, "I tried." My mouth drops open and I look over to see that Cameron's has done the same.

"Seriously, that's it?"

The man sighs and looks at Cameron again, "Look kid, I appreciate what you're trying to do for your girlfriend; but just you two wait until you have kids. It's a lot more difficult than it looks." He looks down and shakes his head before mumbling to himself, "Damn kids."

Cameron opens his mouth but no words come out, obviously as shocked as I am from the man's words. How rude can you be? I ignore the words about me being Cameron's girlfriend and breathe in deeply, trying to dispel my frustration.

It doesn't work.

"It probably wouldn't be as hard if you raise your kid to respect other people instead of just allowing them to do as they please. If we were to have kids," I gesture between me and Cameron, "let me assure you that they sure as hell wouldn't go around kicking strangers chairs. They would also respect us both enough to stop doing something when we ask them to. So maybe instead of blaming your kid for being 'difficult' blame yourself for maybe not raising them properly."

My voice had risen slightly towards the end of my rant and drawn the attention of a few other passengers. Cameron was looking at me with a mixture of shock and admiration. I turn and plonk back in my seat, securely fastening my seatbelt. I feel Cameron sit back down next to me.

"Where did that come from? That was amazing." I let out a nervous laugh. Honestly, I don't know where that came from, I never, ever, participate in confrontation. I usually avoid it at all costs. It must just be built up stress from the whole travelling alone thing.

"I kind of feel bad now." It was true, I did, I was probably way too harsh, and I didn't even mean half of the things I said.

"I don't, all of what you said was true. And he was being a bit of a prick." I burst out laughing and Cameron is telling me to be quiet but he's laughing too. Soon our laughing dies down and a silence settles between the two of us.

Cameron's face lights up as if he's had an idea and he turns to me, "What if we watch Rogue One as well? It's not like we're short for time."

"Yes, yes and more yes." We both go about setting the movie up on our TV screens and soon we settle into the film.

I try to keep my attention on the movie this time, I try really hard, but when out of the corner of my eye I can see Cameron glancing over at me, it becomes near impossible. Our arms are touching and I get the sense that it is affecting him as much as it is me.

Rogue One is probably my favourite Star Wars film. There, I said it. Beat me up all you want but you have to admit it's a good film; I will fight you on that point.

I've watched this film so many times that I knowmost of the lines and can't stop myself mouthing along to them, just as Camerondid during A New Hope. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him look over andsmile when he realises what I'm doing.

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