Love In The Air (10)

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We walk through the front door to see my dad standing in the hallway. "Hey! There's my girls!"

Sophie walks forward looking suspicious, "What have you done?"

"Erm...I may have done a thing." My dad scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"William Cadwell, what did yo-" Sophie is interrupted by the sound of paws on the hardwood floor. A German Shepherd puppy rounds the corner and comes running towards us.

"Oh my God." I run towards the puppy and start stroking it. "Oh my God, dad, is this ours?" Sophie is still frozen at the front door in shock.

"That's a dog." She looks at my dad with a stern face, but it soon melts into a smile and my dad lets out a breath of relief. She comes over and joins me in fussing over the puppy.

"I thought I'd treat Mae to a dog, you know. Me and you have been talking about it for a while anyway and I though it might encourage Mae to visit more often." He ruffles my hair as if I'm four and I bat him away. Sophie nods, satisfied with his explanation, I didn't know they'd been planning on getting a dog but hey, I'm not complaining.

"What's their name?" I ask my dad.

"I was thinking you could name him."

"Him?" My dad nods. "Um...Baxter."

"Baxter? That's unusual." I stand up and give my dad a massive hug. I'm 19 years old, but in this moment I feel about 12.

"Thank you so much."

"Anything for you sweet pea."

The rest of the night consists of all three of us playing with Baxter.

I go for a run with Baxter a week later at the local park. I slow down to a walk to catch my breath, when he begins dragging me forward, he's already grown quite a bit and actually manages to pull me forward slightly.

He starts to bark at a nearby duck and I laugh. "Is that it? That's all you wanted to do?" I pull him on and we continue with our jog. I look out over the park, I find myself looking closer at every brown haired guy I see.

It's ridiculous and I know it, but I can't help all the times my thoughts go back to him during the day. Whether it's during a meal with my dad and Soph, while I'm watching TV alone or while I'm trying to sleep at night, my mind goes back to those hours on the plane.

My head knows I won't ever see him again, but my heart won't accept it. One minute I'm thinking about Cameron and the next, something hits me and I fall to the floor. Baxter comes over and starts licking my face.

"Are you ok? Oh my God, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, and I was walking too fast, I'm so so sorry, here." A blond haired guy about my age grabs my hand and helps me to my feet.

"Erm...Sorry, completely my fault I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm fine." I reply dusting myself off.

"Oh, you're not from around here are you?"

I laugh, "No, I'm from England."

"Cool, I've never met one of you guys in person."

"Not that impressive really."

"I'd disagree." He smiles at me. "Well, anyway, sorry again, I'll see you around." He walks away, turning to wave. I carry on my jog, Baxter by my side.

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