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"Do you need any help?" Renee poked her head into the spare bedroom where Anne Marie, Harry, and Lauren had all been sleeping. Their flight was departing that afternoon and she could use the distraction.

Renee was sad to see them go but Lauren and Harry had school and Anne Marie had to go back to work so they couldn't afford to spend anymore time away than strictly necessary. Her parents had already left, their flight was at an insanely early time since her mother could be kind of a penny-pincher and those were cheaper, so she had already helped them pack and said goodbye.

"I think everyone's about packed but Lauren," Anne glanced at her daughter before zipping up her own suitcase.

"I could use a little help," Lauren admitted with a light blush while vainly trying to zip her suitcase.

"Alright," Renee stepped inside and Harry grabbed his own bag, and walked out to go leave it by the front door. He was followed by his mother who sent the two other women a sympathetic glance for the sad state that Lauren's stuff was left in after her first attempt.

Renee carefully reached in and started pulling out clothes that hadn't been folded and just stuffed inside. She laid them out on the bed and refolded them so Lauren could repack more effectively.

It was monotonous and boring, exactly what she needed. She could escape her thoughts for just a few minutes in relative focus. When the last of the fabric had slid through Renee's fingers she frowned slightly before pushing it away and looking back at her sister in law.

"Anything else you need?" She asked as Lauren zipped her bag easily this time.

The younger girl was silent for a moment as her eyes glazed over in thought and then she suddenly jerked her head down and looked away like she was embarrassed. Renee didn't mean to embarrass her and was more than happy to help Lauren any way she could and she reiterated, "no worries, it's just me."

"Do you have any like tampons? I'm fresh out and it's a long flight," Lauren mumbled.

It was kind of a relief that's all she needed, but Renee nodded and waved for Lauren to follow her from the spare room down into the master. Renee stared at the old worn floorboards as she passed Ashton's stuff, and kept her head down even in the bathroom as she leaned to open the cabinet. She didn't want to see any of it. She had only cried once that day when she woke up freezing before the sun rose and realized there was no other warm body there to share heat with.

The box of tampons wasn't where she normally kept it, right up front and center and it took some digging to reveal it had been banished to the back corner of the supply cabinet.

"Well that's strange," Renee frowned but pulled the box out and handed it to Lauren.

"What?" She asked as she took a handful out.

"It was not where it normally was," Renee sighed and shook her head, "I'm really just a complete mess."

"No you're not," Lauren looked genuinely upset and she put the box down so that she could give Renee a hug. "You probably just left it there and forgot, it happens."

Renee nodded in agreement but still found it weird considering she had always kept them in the same spot her entire time there. But as Lauren put it back where it belonged, it occurred to her that she hadn't needed a tampon in a while.

She had probably been stressing so bad that she had skipped her last two periods. It had happened before and two months was the extent of Ashton's hospital stay so she had been abnormally stressed and anxious.

"Thanks for the tampons," Lauren almost laughed before turning and exiting the small ensuite bathroom.

Renee felt the same. She was still far from a place where she could be light-hearted and laugh. A heavy weight had settled in her heart, dragging her down and making her feel heavy. So she walked out through her grey bedroom to the front of the house and say even more goodbyes.

"I love you Renee, come and visit soon," Anne insisted as she tightly embraced Renee.

"I promise," she smiled.

"Bye Rey," Harry said and he probably didn't know that that's what Ashton called her but it felt like a bucket of cold water had been tipped on Renee's head because Harry was just beginning to sound like Ashton.

She blinked quickly and took a deep breath, pulling Harry into a hug to avoid having to speak and have her voice crack. "Goodbye Harry," she whispered instead.

Lauren was patiently waiting and hugged Renee with just as much ferocity as her mother, "bye Renee, you have to come soon."

Renee tearfully nodded agreeing to visit for a second time. She wiped at her eyes and held open the door so the three of them could carry their things out.

She kept the door open until she heard the soft ding of the elevators letting her know they were safely on their way. Then she softly pressed it closed and turned to face her apartment that felt more empty than ever before.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

If y'all are wondering why this is getting a daily update it's because if I don't do it everyday I'll end up doing it every few months and that's just sad

Acquaint me with your sentiment

- C8lin

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