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Sorry I'm late y'all

Three colors left. Yellow, orange, and purple. They were a trio that reminded Renee of the early days when she hadn't yet gotten all her colors. It left her vision lopsided and wanting for once you could see it felt wrong for that brilliancy to be taken away.

What remained were the colors of joy, freedom, and peace. Gone were love, sadness, and hope. She didn't know why she could still see these three, especially considering how detached she felt from any of their representative emotions. She could look back on the times when she was full of joy and peace, but trying to apply them to herself now felt foreign. Perhaps these remaining colors now held a different meaning than they did when she first saw them.

Not something she wished to dwell on, Renee sighed and shifted positions on the couch. The flickering light of the television illuminated her face as she tried to find anything remotely entertaining. But it was in vain.

She rose and paced back to the bedroom. She wished she was at work but it was an international holiday and the entire place was shut down. So she was confined to her home for the whole day.

She walked back into the closet, intending to put on some fuzzy socks, when she was overcome with a slew of emotion. She didn't know what set it off, perhaps seeing all of Ashton's things hanging there, but all of a sudden she was fuming angry.

"AUGH!" She reached up and grabbed the first article of his clothing she could get her hands on, a red flannel turned grey. She yanked it off its hanger and flung it to the ground.

That almost made her feel a little better. So she reached up to the next thing, an old hoodie, and deposited it on the floor as well. And so she continued, rampaging through Ashton's things. Screaming and crying as she went. As she continued she did not notice as the yellow hue that still stained her vision begin to weaken and lose its brilliance.

"HOW DARE HE LEAVE ME!" She roared. "WHAT MADE HIM THINK HE COULD GO?" Several dress shirts were torn from their places and dropped. A little more yellow slipped away.

"HE TOOK IT ALL AND THEN LEFT ME BEHIND!" She raged, now out of shirts she began to throw open the drawers and empty their contents onto the floors now slick with fabric. Only a small remnant of the color remained, if she squinted hard enough at Ashton's cheddar cheese shirt she would've just seen a hint of yellow still peeking through.

"AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE?" By now the tears were blurring her sight and she was clawing away at nearly empty shelves.

"HE- HE!" But she couldn't finish the accusation. She fell to her knees on the floor, now padded with all of the clothing she had layered upon it.

As quickly as the anger had appeared and overpowered her, it had left and only a deep sadness remained.

A choked sob escaped from Renee's throat and she soon found herself crying. "He's gone," she said again, this time however it wasn't an accusation but a statement. Ashton was gone.

She curled up inside the closet, surrounded by his clothes. She laid her head down on his favorite hoodie and let out all of the grief that had been building up deep inside.

Ashton was gone.

The sadness ebbed away after the sun had set and her stomach grumbled for dinner. She wasn't left feeling happy or at all content, but a little bit better to have gotten it all off her chest.

She sat up and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. He was gone but she was not. She was alive. She was okay.

As soon as Renee was calm, three sharp knocks wrapped at her door.

Someone was there.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Woot woot!

- c8lin

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