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Okay remember when I said that I was updating daily bc if I didn't it would take me months? Wellllll I was right whoops

Who could it be? She certainly wasn't expecting anyone, and now she, along with her bedroom, was a mess.

The tapping repeated, this time louder and with a muffled, "RENEE!"

She knew that voice, it was only Calum. Letting out a little sigh of relief, she teetered to her feet and slid out of the closet. Her fingers rose to her face, carefully wiping away any and all of the residue left from the tears that had stained them. She smoothed down her hair and painted a tired but calm look across her face, hoping to convince him that she was fine.

Just as he went to knock again, she pulled open the door, "hi Cal-"

She couldn't finish her sentence as her friend had leapt onto her as soon as he could squeeze inside. Calum's warm arms wrapped around her midsection and pulled her to him in a tight hug.

"Whoa!" She wheezed as her face was pressed into Calum's shoulder while he panted into her hair. He seemed to be buzzing, absolutely wired and ecstatic about something. "Cal," she gasped, "what's going on?"

As if he just noticed that she was having trouble, he pulled back and held her at arms length. His eyes looked mildly concerned that he had hurt her while he checked for injury, but his lips were still pulled back into a smile.

"I can see purple!" He could barely get it out, choking on the words and nearly jumbling them together.

Renee's heart dropped for a moment and then soared. She could only be happy for Calum, he deserved love and affection from his soulmate, and she was glad that he was getting to see the colors that brought her so much joy and pain.

"That's so good Calum! When'd you meet her?" Renee moved to the side so that Calum could walk in, and it was no surprise that his gaze immediately settled on the purple painting of daisies that Ashton had made at one of those wine and painting parties with Calum. At the time, he hadn't even known what purple was, and once he could see them, he found it rather funny that the daisies were purple instead of the classic white.

"It was from my abstract phase," he'd always say when someone asked.

But as soon as she began to smile from the memory, she caught herself. Thinking about him always led to crying, and it wasn't the time. It was about that time, however, when she noticed that the middle of the daisies that had been yellow, were now grey. And she let out a sigh because she must have lost that color since she'd woken up in the morning. Now she only had two left.

But she was glad she could still share one with Calum, no matter if it was fleeting.

"At the café down the street, she was my waitress," he let out a little grin at the memory, "the aprons the staff wear are purple so I saw it right after I saw her. And wow, she's gorgeous."

His eyes softened and Renee could tell that he was daydreaming her, and their future.

She sighed, and shook her head. Oh how she wished she could go back to those days.

Calum didn't know how lucky he was.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

I've been writing at almost exclusively 12 AM and that just means it's shitty so sorry

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