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Harry's POV

September 4, 2026

"Zayn I'm nervous" I hold Zayn's hand as we walk into the hospital

"Don't be love, everything will be fine" right now me and Zayn are going to pick up baby Zachary from the hospital, we had a closed adoption witch is when a lady carries a baby for 9 months for us and then we take it. that sounds like we are steeling the baby but trust me it's not like that, the mother didn't want visitation rights so after 30 days baby Zachary is ours forever.

I've been preparing for this moment for 9months and trust me it hasn't gotten easier at all. I'm nervous for what's to come, I want to be a great dad to my baby, better than my dad ever was and better than Zayn's dad ever was. in a way I'm happy he's going to have two dads, that way he will never feel like he needs to look for a father figure in his life. I also want to play the mother role, I feel like it's going to be hard, of course he has a mother but what exactly am I going to tell him when he gets older? Zayn keeps telling me to calm down and that we will figure it out when it happens and I believe him, where in this together, thank god for that.

"Come on babe walk a bit faster I don't want to miss it" I say to Zayn rushing him to walk faster

"It's not a tv show babe, and I'm going I can only walk so fast" he yells from behind me. we walk to the lady in the front and she smiles up at me

"Hello may I help you?"

"Yes um I'm looking for Leah Marie?"

"Yes sir it seems that she is going into labor are you the father?"

"Actually we are adopting, she is our donor" I smile at her. she smiles back at me and types on her computer

"Right, it will be room 1124"

"Thank you!" me and Zayn yell at the same time

"Congrats!" she yells as we make our way down the hall. we get to room 1124 and a nurse comes out and ask us to put on a mask and blue scrubs. we walk into the room and Leah is laying on the bed by herself with her mom in a chair next to her. Leah is only 18 and that's also why she's didn't want to keep the baby or see it in the feature because she wants to go to collage and stuff.

"Hey" she say and smiles weakly at us

"Hello beautiful how are you doing?" Zayn asks and I elbow him

"Ow" he whispers and I smirk

"I'm okay, just tired, I'm not dilated enough to give birth just yet and I'm in a lot of pain" she rubs her tummy

"Aww babe did you try the exercise ball?"

"No" she says and I walk over to her. I take her hand and she takes mine, I help her to her feet and she stands with a hunch.

"Well let's try shall we" she smiles and I help her sit on the ball And she does. she bounces for a bit and I smile while she does

~ 20 minutes later ~

"Oh" she said out of no where

"What?" I ask getting up

"Ow ow ow okay it's coming like now please help like it's coming now" Zayn rushes out of the room and calls a doctor, he comes in seconds latter with all the tools and stuff he needs while I help Leah back up on the bed.

~ 12 hours latter ~

After 12 hours of labor we finally got our beautiful baby boy. after 9 months and 12 hours we finally got him.

Zachary Anne Styles-Malik was born on September 4, 2026 at 6:32pm, 6 pounds 4 ounces. very healthy and very beautiful and very gifted.

And boy did he have a life ahead of him.


So I put it up tonight because I was bored :)

So did you like it? I know it was short but it's just the start

So hi

Wanna start the questions and facts again? okay

Question: what's your favorite fic you have ever read?

Fact: September 4 is actually my brothers birthday and he was born 6 pounds 4 ounces <3 cutie

Sooo bye beautiful cupcakes

Raising Zachary || Sequel to CMDWhere stories live. Discover now