Chapter 17.

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(A/N haven't had a Louis POV in a while well it seems like a while so.....)

Louis POV

It's not like he can save his best friend on his own right? It's not like he can just get up and leave and go save him. He can't. And to him he's killing himself over that. He doesn't understand why but he feels like it's his fault. Like if he didn't take Zachary out that day they would have never found out about Zachary and where Zayn and Harry lived- even though that's not true- and he just can't help that fact that he feels like this whole mess is his fault.

"We are going to find him babe. Promise"

"I know Liam but I'm scared okay! My best friend is gone and it my fault" Liam kissed Louis head as he attached his gun to his waist band

"Look me and Zayn and a few others are going to go after him okay! I got this babe I promise"

"Be safe please!"

"I will! I'll call you if anything bad happens okay!"

"Okay" and even though Louis knows that Liam won't call he still likes that Liam gives him a bit of hope even if it's false.


"Mom I'm feeling poorly" he said to his mom. He's just come for a visit and he's already feeing terrible. He's not sure if it's because of all the panic attacks he's had or because he hasn't ate In over 24 hours

" I'll make some tea okay?"

"Okay" as of right now he keeps looking at his phone to see if Liam calls. He doesn't, of course, but he keeps hoping that he will because that can only mean good news even of Liam said he's call is anything bad happened

It's nearly 9:00pm and the tea didn't help one bit. He's getting this feeling in his belly that is telling him if he doesn't get up and go to the bathroom that they may have to get a knew couch.

He gets up and runs to the bathroom. He vomits all over the toilet and he feels bad that his mom will probably have to clean it all up after he's done. He finishes up and gets out of the bathroom to find his mom at the door.

"I'm only asking-" he cuts her off

"Please don't mom. I already know and no we didn't okay. And we where trying till everything happens with Harry" I sighed because really? Now I choice to be fertile! But it's night time and he threw up so it can't be that, right?

"Let's go to CVS okay, pick up some pregnancy tests and some other stuff okay? I'm running out of conditioner anyways" she says and Louis is dreading this.

At CVS he's in the woman's section and he feels a bit off. He's most defiantly embarrassed and it takes a lot for Louis to get embarrassed. He try's to see what the best test is and they are all different. He doesn't know why because I mean they shouldn't have so may different kinds it has one job, tells you if your life is over or not.

"Got your girlfriend pregnant to?" A guy standing by smirks at him. He's dressed in baggy pants and his short has holes and he smells like weed m. Louis takes a sniff. Yep defiantly weed


"It's okay I mean it happens right? Rather her than me right! Wouldn't want to be one of those freaks who can carry right!" He laughs and Louis doesn't know what possessed Him to scream at this guy but he does

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean? It's not a freakish thing it's life and your being and asshole and to the wrong motherfucking person okay! Don't you dare call me a freak for being able to carry and don't you dare call any other male one either. Clearly you aren't man enough to Handle the pain that's why your beings a pussy! Also you are dressed like a crack head so that's why all you ever be is a boy and not a man! You don't even look for to be a father let alone a presentable male"

"I am a man I have a dick your the one that's debatable!!!"

"Having a dick doesn't make you a man okay! It makes you a guy! How you act classifies you as a man and how you carry yourself and of you take responsibilities as a man and you sir are a little boy so I hope your girlfriend dumps your ass for a man and not a boy!" He grabs his tests and leaves. He doesn't know why the man -boy- got him so upset. Maybe it was the fact that he felt like he was insulting his child? Like he thought that Louis was capable of raising a child that will grow up to have to fathers? Or maybe it's the fact that a druggie is insulting hims without even knowing him. He doesn't know but all he knows is that he dropped the test and the water bottle he just picked up in his moms carriage and stormed off outside to cry in the car.

About 20 minutes later his mom comes out with 3 bags full of stuff.

"What happened lou? Why are you crying?" His mom said whipping the dried tears away

"Nothing just some asshole as always"the rest if the car ride is silent and Louis keep thinking back to the guy. He didn't say anything significant to scar Louis but he is re-thinking this whole baby thing. Is he ready to have a child? And at a time like this? When Harry's gone. He doesn't relies the the car stopped till his mom shacked him a bit.

"Lou we're here" she smiles. He takes the test from the bag and runs to the bathroom. He drinks the whole bottle of water and a few minutes latter he has to pee. He reads the instructions and it just says to pee on the stick and then wait 10 minutes. So after he's done doing his business he he sets the test on sink and opens the door.

"So?" His mom asks

"Says to wait 10 minutes"

"Okay well go wait in the living room I have to set the cloths in the dryer okay" he just nods and goes to sit down. He try's to find a show to watch but nothing good is on so he takes his laptop and opens it up. He clicks on YouTube and looks at some new song and videos that just start coming up. About 10 minutes latter he hears his mom scream. He gets up and runs to her room be she's not there so he runs to living room again but stops when he sees her in the bathroom.

"What is it mom?" She hold up the test and he totally forgot about it. He takes a step forward and takes the test and he gasps...


What ?? I know lol short but it was alright. This book is almost over!

(Thankfully) because idk I just don't enjoy it like I use to maybe because it's a sequel that's why so it's not a knew idea so I get bored quick

Speaking of new ideas I have 4 new story's in writing

One is called Shine on it's a Lilo fic

Another is called sex tap it's a Zouis fic and I like that one a lot

Another is wing man it's zarry and that ones also cool I like the plot

And the last one is called act like a lady and think like a man and that's Zianourry and that ones fun also

So feel free to check those out and only if you would like to! Anyways

Bye cupcakes

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