Chapter 10.

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Harry's POV

Waking into the kitchen the next morning was a big headache. Everything that happens last night folded my mind and I broke down. How could Zayn do this to me? Over a job? He has no right to do that to me. If he loves me then he should be happy for me right?

I walk to the counter and sit and think. I put my hand over my mouth and sob. I love this guy and here he is trying to take the only thing I have left? How could he do this to me?

I walk up stairs and pack Zachary a suitcase. After that I walk into mine and Zayn's room and pack myself a bag. Why should I stay here? If he's going to take my son away then I should just leave right? Act as if I was never here right? I could think straight so I woke up Zachary nice and slow and took him to the only place I know Zayn wouldn't look.

"Come'on Zachary were gunna go visit aunty Gemma" Harry said as he locked the front door to a house I thought I was welcomed

Zayn's POV

I left this morning for work. I couldn't face Harry this morning, not with knowing he hated me. I mean I sure hates myself, who could how did I threaten to take away his son? OUR son? I know Harry's past and I know Harry wants to be the best dad he can, who am I to try and take that away for him? I mean look at my dad, fucking asshole he is.

Worked sucked all I thought about all day was Harry, I tried calling and texting but nothing! I tried calling Louis and he said he hats talked to him but that he's try and get back to me.

"Zayn your order is In" I smiled at Veronica and waves her off

7 men walked in with big carts of my order. See some may not like what I do but it's not illegal, yea weed is illegal but it's medical and that's why I do it. I wouldn't put my family in danger on porous but my father is a different story, see he used to run this company, he'd sell the drug to doctors and they would pay him? For people who are going threw stuff. But my father ran into a man one day and it went down hill from there, we had to move so many times and I hated , never understood till I was older and my father told me.

Guys are after him for not doing and order right and my father owns money but if course he goes to jail and turns himself in for rapping me but not because he feels bad but because he knows that's the only place he knows he safe.

That's why Harry couldn't come in anymore. This place is a ticking time bomb and I feel it anyway they will find me. They know where my family is they know were I live they saw me have sex they know but there waited and I'm scared I know it's a pussy move but I can't keep coming into work and feeling like I could die any second from now.

I tried not to think about it when I got a text from the unknown number. This is a day to day thing know, the number would text and would tell me they are watching me.

"How are you today Zayn you seem stressed?" I looked around my office

"I am"

"How's Harry?"

"Wouldn't know he hasn't texted me why?"

"He looks pretty upset" there was a picture of Harry and Zachary getting into a cab and I frowned

"What is that?"

"Looks like Harry's a bit upset about what happened last night right?"

"How do you know what happen last night?" I adjusted my coat

"Haha funny"

"Where is Harry?"

After that I got no text I waited all day and nothing. When I got home I walked up to Harry and I's room and all this stuff was gone. I went into Zachary's room and everything was gone. My family was gone

I called Harry's phone and he picked up on the second ring

"Before you yell I just need to say I had to leave, I couldn't stay there Zayn not with you trying to take my son away from me, this, us? We aren't working out and you know it! We want different things and I don't know Zayn I love you, I love you so much but you keep on hurting me. Cheating and all those texts? I saw them all Zayn! Your hiding stuff from me and i can't take I anymore so I left. You can see Zachary every weekend but other than that I don't think we will work out anymore." He said and his voice cracked at the end

"I love you" he said before hanging up. I threw my phone across the room and it shaders. I've lost everything just because I wanted to keep my family safe

Harry's POV

"It's okay you have to make sure Zachary's okay" Gemma said rubbing my back. After I got here we got to know each other again and we got alone just like we did when we were kids

"I know but i love him Gem. He's it for me I don't know what to do without him"

"You have to move on hazza. He hurt you, like you said you guys want different things so why try any harder?"

"Your right I guess" she's not but I can't go agents her when I'm in her house. I just got her back I can't loos her.

"Daddy!" Zachary came running in laughing and holding a toy car

"Daddy play?" I wipe my eyes from the tears that fell

"Daddy cy?"

"No daddy's fine" I fake a smile as best as I can


"Papa is home, you can see him this weekend"

"Papa sleep? Hold Zach?"

"He's not here babe"

"Want papa!" He throws the toy car to the ground and rubs his eyes

"Baby you have daddy okay" I try to take him but he fits

"No daddy! Want papa! Please papa" he cries and it brakes my heart to see him beg for his father!
I can't keep Zayn away even if I tried


This is shit I know I'm sorry pleas forgive me okay!!!! :(

I'm sorry this chapter was shit but the next one will be decent I think :o

If you don't really like this story now I'm sorry :(

But If you'd please go read

"I bet you look beautiful"

Then that would be awesome they are better I promise!

Sequels are never as good as the or original so yea

You know Zayn's job know that that's fun!!!!

Anyways bye cupcakes!!

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