Chapter 11.

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Harry's POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since I left Zayn and Zachary isn't holding up very well. He won't sleep and he won't eat the right way, he misses his papa. I've tried to be brave for Zach but it seems that every time I look at him all I see is Zayn.

To say I miss Zayn is an understatement but I couldn't keep living with him if he was cheating on me or if he wasn't he was most defiantly lying to me. I miss him, a lot. how can I not miss someone who I have a kid with, someone who I wake up every morning to, someone who I thought loved me?

But I'm also mad at him. I've called him everyday for 2 weeks and nothing, he hasn't tried to apologize, he hasn't tried to see his son, he's mad no effort to back himself up. thank god I have Gemma or else I would be all alone.

Today is just like everyday, I wake Zachary up, give him a bath, feed him and then I'm off to work. right now I'm getting the shop read and opening up.

"Hello" I say to 3 young girls

"Hey" they smile

"What could I get you this morning?" I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes. I love my job, get me out of the house but I miss.... everything to be honest.

"Um can I have a small yogurt with a side of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and granola" she smiles

"Of course, name please?"

"Perrie" she giggles

"Right away Perrie" after I'm done I have her her order

"That will be $4.56" she hands me her card and I take care of the other girls. after that they leave and the rest of the day is pretty calm. I try texting Zayn to see of he would like to take his son but NOPE nothing.

Im on my break with Ashton -who I've been spending a lot of time with lately- and it seems that he's the only person who can make me smile these days. I miss Zayn but right now Ashton is taking my hind of off everything.

"No it's true I lost my pants and had to walk home with no pants on"

"oh my gosh that is to funny" I wipe the tears from laughing so hard

"Haha yea it was terrible" after that we both fall into a nice silence. it's not awkward, it's nice.

"Harry" he says looking up at me


"Will you go on a date with me?" I think about it for a while, should I? maybe what happen with Zayn was to show me that I was suppose to be with Ashton all along? maybe I was suppose to kiss Ashton that day. maybe I was suppose to leave that boat with him and not Zayn and maybe just maybe I was suppose to have a life with him, so why not try right?

"Um sure Ashton why not"

"Exactly why not" he smiles and I look down. is this cheating? I mean I did tell Zayn I didn't want to be with him but we didn't actually break up, I mean it's just a date nothing more right? what's the worst that can happen.

Zayn's POV

It's been 2 weeks since me and Harry have talked. 2 weeks since I got to see Zachary but I've tried! but I just can't find him it's like he's dropped off the face of the earth! and 2 weeks ago I shut my phone off because I just couldn't take all the texts and picture that stupid number was sending me!

What do they want for me? I'm not my father! I can't just give them all the money they want! I have a company and a fam- well had a family to support!!

I decided to open my phone to see if I had anything for Harry and I was right.

From: Baby <3

45 missed called

7 voice mailed

67 texts

I listen to all the voice mails and one got my attention

"Papa? papa hi papa when come see me? wanna play!.daddy got me toys and gem- no Zachary - I got toys papa and went to park and swing and papa I got hurt I got owys on my leg but daddy fic it!" and then the voice mail ended

Gem? who's gem? Harry doesn't know a gem just a GemMA but he wouldn't go to her for help. would he?

I look at all the texts and at fist couple of then said things along the line of

'I miss you'

'I'm sorry'

'Please Zayn let's talk'

Then they got hate full

'Fine whatever'

'Wow you can't come and see your son?'

'Do you have another family that's more important then us?'

'I can't believe you Zayn'

'I hate you so much I can't believe you would do this to me!'

'I'm done'

Was the last text and it was 3 days ago

As soon as I read all of them I got a new one right away.

From: baby <3

To: Zaynie

'One last chance, do you want to see your son Zayn'

I opened a new message and typed out a message

To: Baby <3

From: Zaynie

'Im sorry Harry for everything, I really want to see you and Zachary please as soon as possible?'

To: Zaynie

From: baby <3

'Fine, when?'

To: baby <3

From: zaynie

'Friday the cafe we like'

From: baby <3

To: zaynie

'You know this doesn't mean we are getting back together, this is just so you can see your son'

To: baby<3

From: zaynie

'Yea I know'

I have to tell Harry about my job so that it keeps him safe. I know I didn't tell him to keep him safe but maybe if I told him he would be able to stay safe. I really fucked up and I need to make everything right.

I know this doesn't mean he will take me back but at least we can talk and I can finally see him and Zachary.

Harry's POV

"So wren do you want to go on that date?" Ashton said

"Anytime is good" I wasn't really paying attention because I was texting Zayn. after 2 weeks he finally answers me! what and ass hole

To: baby<3

From: zaynie

'Friday, at that cafe we like'

"How about Friday?" he said and I nodded. he went back inside and I stayed out for a bit not even realizing that I agreed to a date I wouldn't be able to attend.

I'm fucked


This Sucked I'm sorry but what do you think?

I'm on my phone so yea sorry for the mistakes I'm gunna go back after and fix them as in doing to previous chapter so yea :)

I don't have much to say so

Bye beautiful cupcakes!!!

Raising Zachary || Sequel to CMDWhere stories live. Discover now