Chapter 13.

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Louis POV

It's not that I hate Zachary it's just that well.... I hate that I can't have a Zachary, well more like Liam doesn't want a Zachary and that makes me sad.

Sad because I've never told Liam I'm able to carry. I know I'm not pregnant but id like to be. I want to have kids and grow old with Liam but he doesn't want kids and I understand that with his job at the moment. He's a security guy type thing and it's dangerous. To him it's like going to war when it's not even half as bad as that but he says that in till everything is over with that and he's sure he's going to be with me that he doesn't want to have kids. Witch kind of hurst because why is he doubting us? What have I ever done for him not to want me?

That has a lot to do with our fights now a days. It's me trying to get him not to use a condom and him saying yes that we need to use it and me cry and him yelling and me kicking him to the couch and him being miserable.

I've never told him about the carrying thing but that makes it even weirder that he refuses to use a condom? I know he doesn't have anything because we both got checked before we got together so that's nothing to worry about.

"Unc Lou can we play?" Zachary says stuffing a car toy in my face with his cubby hands

"Sure babe what do you want to play?"

"Cars!" He yells and I smile

"You take the geen one and I take blue I unc Lou!"

"Okay baby let's go" I take the car and run it over our furniture and he does the same.

"Lou go slow wait for Zachary" I laugh

"Sorry babe Ill slow down" I do and he catches up. After a while we sit back on the floor and I watch him play.

"Zachary would you like someone to play with"

"Yea play" he scrunches his face up as he looks at the toy dinosaur

"How about a baby cousin?" I kind of whisper in his ear and tickle his side as he giggles. He reaches his cute cubby hands to my belly and tickles me. I giggle and I hear someone clear their throat. He stops and looks up with big green eyes.

"Leeyyyyuuummm sit" he points his finger to the side he wants Liam to sit at

"Okay I'm coming guppy" Zachary giggles

"I tickle Lou" he laughs like it's the funniest this he has ever heard

"Silly boy" Liam kisses his forehead. After a while I can see Zachary start to get really tiered and I see Liam watch me.

"Okay babe time for bed"

"Okay bed Lou" he slurs a bit. I take him and he lays his head on my shoulder. I hold his whole body like if I let go he would disappear. I take him to the spare room we have for him and I lay him down.

"Lou sing peas" he sticks his binky in his mouth and folds his hands under his head

"Okay" I lay next to him and swing my hand over his tiny waist. He cuddles into my chest and I smile.

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When sky's are grey

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away" I finish in a whisper and I looks downs to see he's already asleep. I get up and go down stairs to see Liam is picking up the toys from the floor.

"Need help?"

"Nah I got it thankx"

"Okay" I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea.

"Tea?" I yell a bit

"Please" I make Liam a cup and bring it to him. We sit on the couch in silence. Liam clears his throat and I look up from my phone

"I'm sorry" he says

"For what?" I sigh

"I don't know. Everything! You hate me and I hate that because I can't sleep next to you and wake up next to you" he sighs again

"I don't hate you"

"Then why am I sleeping on the coach"

"Liam we want different things! You don't want kids and I do I want fucking kids okay I want like 100 kids and you want none!"


"Okay not 100 but like 2 or 3"

"I want kids to"

"Doesn't seem like it" I frown looking down at my mug

" babe I want kids and I want to get married just not now you know that"

"Did you know I could carry" I blurted out


"Yea... I can" I look down as a tear fell. Fuck. he's going to leave me. It felt like forever till her answered

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked"

"Yea but you could have told me"

" I thought you would leave" I wipe a tear away

"Baby I would never leave" he comes closer to me and wraps his arms around me. I cuddle my head into his chest and he holds me.

"I just wanted you to want it as bad as I did before I told you"

"Let's try" I lift my head and frown

"What?! Don't do this for me just because I want it I want you to be sure and want it to"

"I want it babe"

"Wait seriously?"

"I'm serious" he kisses me

"What about work?"

"Let's just try if it doesn't work then oh well right?"

"I guess" I say and he picks me up and grabs my thighs. I hook my hands around this neck and he kisses me lovingly. He takes me upstairs and lays me on the bed. He strips my shirt off and discards my pants to the side. He kisses my thighs and I shiver.

"Your so beautiful" he says agents my skin and it sends shivers to my spine and I giggle.

He hooks his fingers into my boxers and I smile down at him. He takes my manhood into his mouth and moves his head up and down. He gets a steady peace and I feel that tingling feeling into my stomach.

"I'm close" I moan

"Don't cum yet" he says and then pulls off

"I want you to ride me" he says into my ear

"Okay" I moan and he switches us so that I'm on top of him. I grab lube and lube up his cock. He grabs my hips and lowers me down. I moan and scrunch up my face at the burning feeling.

I lower myself down and it feels a bit better. He links are hands together and I ride him slowly. I set a pace and I moan out his name

"Fuck li" he moans

"I'm close Lou" he moans loudly and seconds later he cums into me and I cum onto his chest. He pulls out slowly and I lay on his chest. I kiss his nipple and he smiles

"I love you Louis"

"I love you to" he kisses me and fall asleep in his arms


I thought it would be a good idea that I did some Louis and Liam SMUTTTTT and fluff because you don't really know there POV so yea

So how did you like it??

Was it to bad?

Sorry if so :P

Anyways bye cupcakes

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