Chapter 3.

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Louis POV

"Liam please wait for me" I say as I take out Zachary's stroller and bag that Harry passed for the day

"wait" Zachary screams then giggles when Liam looked a bit startled

"Okay I got everything so we can go now" i grave Zach and put him in the stroller and make my way to Liam.

"Sing? Lou sing?" Zachary asks looking at the big purple and green swings set in the middle of the playground

"Yea baby we can go swing" we get to the swings and I take Zach out of the carriage and sit him in the body swing

"Push peas?" I nod and smile standing behind the swing to push Zach lightly. Liam stands in front if the swing and pushes him back to me.

"You having fun Zach?" Liam asks as his sunglasses fall of his face and he goes to pick them up but the front of Zachary's swing hits the bridge of his noes as he gets up. Zach gasps but giggles as he sees that Liam is in pain

"Baby oh my are you okay" I say stoping Zachary and goes to my boyfriends side

"I'm fine thank you" he smiles and blushes as Zachary is giggling away on the swing. I can't help but laugh when I hear Zach his laugh is just so contagious.

"Let's go sit down and each some lunch why don't we?" Wee walk to the table and it seems as of someone has been watching me since I got to the park and I have a bad feeling in my stomach

"Babe is someone following us?" I ask Liam as he sets up Zachary's food

"No babe no ones following is why?"

"I don't know I just feel off" I say looking around. we finish our good but my stomach still feels off, not because of the food but I feel like something is wrong. like we soul don't be here.

"Ice ceam? unc Lou ice ceam peas?"

"Yea baby we can go get ice cream right Liam?" I say laughing knowing that Ice cream can fix Liam's little mood he was in since he got hot with a swing.

We leave the park and the feeling of uncertainty leaves my stomach. maybe I wasn't feeling to well. we get to the ice cream shop and I order a double chocolate ice cream come, Liam ordered and Ice cream Sunday and Zachary has a small vanilla Sunday in a cup.

We grab a set outside and the feeling comes back. I start to get nervous and Liam can tell

"Babe are you okay?"

"I don't feel to good" I say pushing my ice cream away a bit

"Maybe you have the flue? when we get back home we can put Zachary down for his nap and then we can cuddle?" Liam's says with a smirk and I giggle, he never seems to make me upset.

"Okay" I say and he grabs my hand and smiles. everyone finishes their ice cream and we just sit there for a while the feeling hasn't left my stomach but it gets a bit better when Zachary takes his cup of I've cream and puts it all over his face. we all laugh and a few people near by say that he's just so cute and that we are lucky to have suck a cute kid

"Oh he isn't ares, he's my friends we are just watching him while they have a day out together"

"Oh well he's lovely, be careful someone might steal him away" the old lady laughs and I look at her oddly. We leave the Parlor and and that feels comes back as I remember what that lady said. maybe it was the fact that I could lose my friends kid? or the fact that I feel like what she said was true, like if I don't be careful someone could easily take Zachary away. I was taken out of my thoughts by a scream and I look Around to see both Liam and Zachary are gone. I look around and see that Liam Is tickling Zachary and that was the cause of the screaming and giggling.

"Baby can we just go home please I don't feel good" I say to Liam in a rush

"Yea of course" he says walking the rest of the way to the car. I was walking up to the car when I bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry" I say looking up to the man in a hoodie in the middle of summer

"It's okay just watch where your going next time wouldn't want to get hurt" he said walking away and that feeling came back all I know is that I needed to get home and sleep it off because I was about to throw up.


Sorry this is short but it's kind of just what happens that day in Louis POV

So what do you think?

Why is Louis feeling this way? is he sick or is it something more???

Anyways that you for the amazing feedback I love all your comments they are awesome :)

Question: what's your favorite song rn

I'm kind of into
Na Na by Trey Songs :)

Fact: my favorite color is blue :)

Bye cupcakes ily all

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