Chapter 21

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(A/N I know you all hate me but I'm sorry :/ also of you could check out my knew story's that I'm working on that would be amazing because this story's almost over so yea the 2 I'm mostly focused in are mirage [zarry] and sex tape [zouis] so yes do that for me plzzz :)

Zayns Pov

On the way to the location I was freaking out. Liam had Been tracking down everything for the part 5 days. We only had a day left and I felt like I wasn't going to make it, we are on a right time schedule and it didn't help that Louis was creaking out yelling and both me and Liam on the phone for almost and hour and a half because we haven't gotten his best friend back yet.

If I'm honest I think Louis a bit Prego I mean he's been having slot of mood swings lately. BUT that's non of my business. I can't wait to get my hazza back, to have him hold me, to hug him, to kiss him, god to touch him and run my finger in his curly beautiful hair. and of course so I can marry him.

But I can't help but think that he's going to say no. I mean I didn't do my part as a good boyfriend by keeping him and Zachary safe. I'm sure if I didn't leave Zachary with Gemma then third guys where gunna find him, and I couldn't have both of my baby's gone.

"Almost there zayn" Liam says and I starts to get nervous. I don't plane on anything going down here. I don't want no one getting shot or hurt I just want my baby and he wants his money witch he will get.

About 20 minutes later we get to this warehouse and Liam steps out.

"Here" he hands me a hand gun

"Liam I don-" he cuts me off

"I know but you never know zayn please take it for your son" fuck you Liam. I take the hand gun and his it in the back of my pants. we enter the door the to the far left of the warehouse. we are about to keep walking when I hear a trigger being cocked back.

"Well well well look who we have here" a guy starts walking up to me and wow I know that face



"What are you doing here?"

"I want my money you idiot"

"I have your money now where is harry" he laughs

"Oh harry? you think we kept him? he was gone the first day he was here" I started to get angry because what does he mean he just rid of him? he can't do that! can he?

"I can and I did zayn now where is my money"

"Your not getting fucking shit now"

"Okay then" he looks to his men

"Pull it" I hear the the guy behind me start to get nervous as his gun shakes a bit "do it" I say to him because if I'm honest I don't want to life if harry isn't here with me and It would be selfish of me to try and be happy without because he suffered right before he went.
So I close my eyes and right before the guys about to shoot he stops

"ZAYN" I hear harry say

"ZAYN OH MY GOD" he walks out of a door to the right and runs up to me and hugs me. I hear a lot of guns being cocked back and I couldn't care less because I have my baby with me

"Niall" I stop so see who was talking and it was Ashton

"Luke" All of us say

"What are you doing here?" I say he looks at me and gives a small smile before looks at Niall and talking

"Let them go Niall.... you don't need the money okay just leave them alone please for us" he whispers the last part but I just about catch it

"Luke i..." Niall starts but was cut of by a kiss from luke we are all in shock and I just want to go home to my baby boy

"For us?" Luke says and Niall connects there foreheads and for a split second you can he him smile

"Go" he shots and me and harry are out of there. we get to the car where Lima stayed back at. he opens the door and a tear falls as he sees harry they hug and Liam texts Louis saying he got his best friend back and not to be so moody now. the news knows by the time we are in the road and harry is fast asleep on my lap in the back seat

"Where going home baby" I whisper and for once -in a long time- did I feel like things are finally and I mean finally look okay for us.


This was the worst chapter yet I know but I can't write for this book anymore I've lost interest so I'm sorry for that :/ I will give the next like 2-3 chapters my best and make them good so you guys don't hate me okay lol

But look at my other story's like I said bc they are the ones I am interested in and I have a lot more so check then out if you'd like you don't have to. also I will be fixing call me daddy and this book for grammar because it's pretty bad only because I was excited to write so I never went back and used spell check so yeaaaa anyways

Bye cupcakes

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