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Jess's POV:

I'd invited the boys to come have a meal at the new house, but they refused to let me cook. "Looks like we're ordering a takeaway then, I quite fancy an Indian." The boys all looked at each other and then there was a chorus of cheers.

Rye got everyone's orders and stepped into the kitchen to call up and get it delivered. "40 minutes." He groaned. Me and The boys just laughed at him, "God Rye, last time I saw you this hungry was when you didn't eat for two days." Everyone laughed at Andy's comment. Thank God we hadn't gone out and got alcohol tonight would've ended badly, I would've been the only sober one dealing with these drunks.

But before I knew it Rye had gone out to the car and bought in drink... Great. "See Rye your not supposed to drink when you're pregnant." He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't drink then, I mean we're gonna need someone to take care of us."

I had a gut feeling tonight was going to end badly, but I let the boys drink and before we knew it the food had turned up. Thank god I noticed that it was here before the boys. We don't need a fight starting tonight.

Rye and Jack were already completely out of it and were sat feeding eachother. The rest of the boys were just tipsy but it wasn't going to be long.

I prepared my self for drunk Brooklyn cause he's a lightweight and gets quite sick when he's drunk.

Andy was next in the drunk club, by now they were all dancing around singing songs as if the house was a nightclub. I started taking snapchats of them all cause they were completely out of it. All of a sudden I felt someone touch my back, it was a drunk Brook getting my attention like a little kid. "Jessicaaaaaa, will you marry meeeee." I just laughed at him. "Brook I'm Andy's sorry." He started getting emotional after that so I sat next to him to try to comfort him. Andy got all jealous and tried to pull me away from him so I let him, just so there weren't any fights. Mikey and Jack were like a cute married couple dancing and singing together.

Before I knew it, it was 2am so I stopped the music. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!" Rye screamed at me trying to turn it back on. "All of you are going to bed upstairs, Brook and Andy are staying down here cause they're emotional drunks." Rye glared at me as he started walking upstairs to bed.

"Jess h-help." I heard an emotional Brooklyn say, I looked over to him "Brook what did you do now." He was as pale as a ghost and looked like he was going to pass out any second, "I feel really s-sick a-and lightheaded." I sighed and walked him to the downstairs toilet. "You stay here and I'll be back in a minute." I sighed as I walked away.

I'd gone to get Brook a glass of water in hope that it might make him feel a bit better. I felt someone wrap the arms around my waist whilst I was filling up the glass. "Jessicaaaa, babyy, princess, littlee oneee. I really reallyyyyy loveee youuuu." O god it was a drunk Andy Fowler. "Go and sit on the couch and try to sleep." He groaned at my reply. I mean it was a little harsh I know but it could've been worse.

Brook's POV:

I felt sick to my stomach and everything hurt. Why do I make such stupid decisions? Why did Jess want to help me?

I almost collapsed as she sat me down on the bathroom floor. I knew this was a bad idea me drinking in a new house where I'd never been I would wake up and start panicking about why I didn't know where I was and why everyone I knew was here. I wanted my little sisters to come and comfort me but I guess thats what Jess was to me a sister, maybe that was why she cared so much.

I stuck me head in the toilet and threw up just as Jess walked through the door. "See Brooklyn this is why we don't drink alcohol." She sighed. I already knew this would happen so why did I let it maybe because I wanted to get rid of my negative thoughts but nope that didn't work. "I'm sorry Jess. You don't need to care for me. I'm not worth it. You need to sleep and I'm not helping that I know." She sat and awwed at me, "Brook, I want to help you. You are ill and you have a fandom who love you so much. You are worth everything to me. You may be annoying at times especially when you're drunk but I still love you." I threw my arms around her "I love you too." I whispered in her ear before quickly turning back to the toilet to throw up again.

She sat one hand holding my hand making sure I knew she was there and the other one rubbing my back. This is why I loved Jess she was always so caring no matter what situation. We sat there for two hours whilst I got as much out my system as I could. Then we walked back into the living room to find a drunk Andy Fowler crying and cuddling a pillow. Jess being our 'carer' for the night dragged me over too him. Made me sit down and get comfy so I could fall asleep whilst she went over to Andy to try see what was wrong, and help him with it like a normal caring couple. Which I'm not going to lie, I loved watching those two cuddle it was like watching a real life romantic movie in front of your own eyes.


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