Encompassing resurrection.

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Apocalyptic perception
Another mental downfall.
Human ressurection
In the name of the dead gods.

The sun is calling his sins,
Killing the time, killing the space.
A dazed shadow is left on them,
On those who sing their end.

I call you and cry,
I call you and I sing you.
In the flesh is the curse,
The curse of the past.

Do not search the laws,
You will be crazy and you will be alive.
My law is clay
And from clay I was born.

Looks at the sky and seeks silence.
Only the silence remained, subject to the flesh.
Bone and tendon, consciousness and instinct.
We are one with clay and clay is our home.

Apocalyptic perception
Another mental downfall.
Human ressurection
In the name of the dead gods.

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